3/31/2024 | 90021900 | FIN - PT-68#&Finger recognition sensor part lens: PP21-00015A. New 100% | PARTRON COLTD | 44930 | PCE | 3949.347 | Vietnam | NA |
3/31/2024 | 90021900 | FIN - PT-68#&Finger recognition sensor part lens: PP21-00015A. New 100% | PARTRON COLTD | 555070 | PCE | 44738.642 | Vietnam | NA |
3/30/2024 | 90021900 | BMC machine lens 22.5x10 (cl: glass, optically processed, used to install into the BMC machine to test the machine's light convergence). 100% New | CONG TY TNHH CONG NGHIEP VA THUONG MAI HOSUNG VIET NAM | 300 | PCE | 63.39 | China | NA |
3/29/2024 | 90021900 | K152#&Assembled objective lens, 318001500235 | FOXLENS OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LTD | 112000 | PCE | 225456 | China | NA |
3/29/2024 | 90021900 | Replacement parts for product inspection machine: Transparent X-lamp lens, inner surface, 3083x90x37mm, 100% new | BAUMER INSPECTION GMBH | 1 | PCE | 175.633 | Germany | NA |
3/29/2024 | 90021900 | B13#&Lens +AF unit (Lens + adjuster for DTDD cameras) (3.4x0.193x7.35mm) | SUNS CO LTD | 153892 | PCE | 291625.34 | Taiwan | NA |
3/29/2024 | 90021900 | VSM-MC03-100-45UM lens, used for optical measuring and inspection equipment to measure product quality (focal length f= 27.5mm, magnification 0.3X +/-5%). 100% new product #&CN | RTC TECHNOLOGY VIETNAM JOINT STOCK COMPANY | 2 | PCE | 741.1622 | VIETNAM | NA |
3/29/2024 | 90021900 | HNTVN02#&Lens used to produce cameras, MMLE00189 39246D-400 | COASIA CM KOREA COLTD | 300000 | PCE | 216720 | China | NA |
3/29/2024 | 90021900 | Specialized lens for optical measuring and inspection equipment to measure product quality (focal length f= 6mm, aperture f1.4 - f16). Model: SV-0614H-1-CP. Manufacturer: VS TECHNOLOGY. 100% New | VS TECHNOLOGY THAILAND CO LTD | 3 | PCE | 365.556 | Japan | NA |
3/29/2024 | 90021900 | Specialized lens for optical measuring and inspection equipment to measure product quality (focal length f= 75mm, aperture f2.5 - close). Model: SV-7525H-1-CP-EXR5. Manufacturer: VS TECHNOLOGY. 100% New | VS TECHNOLOGY THAILAND CO LTD | 3 | PCE | 383.832 | China | NA |