Get Latest Vietnam Import Data of Nikon lens under HS Code 90021900

Discover latest Vietnam shipment data of Nikon lens under HS code 90021900. Find Product description, Price, buyer, supplier name, Port & shipping information. Ultilize these valuable insights for implementing successful marketing strategy. Scale your Business with our authentic Vietnam Import Data.

3/31/202490021900FIN - PT-68#&Finger recognition sensor part lens: PP21-00015A. New 100%PARTRON COLTD44930PCE3949.347VietnamNA
3/31/202490021900FIN - PT-68#&Finger recognition sensor part lens: PP21-00015A. New 100%PARTRON COLTD555070PCE44738.642VietnamNA
3/30/202490021900BMC machine lens 22.5x10 (cl: glass, optically processed, used to install into the BMC machine to test the machine's light convergence). 100% NewCONG TY TNHH CONG NGHIEP VA THUONG MAI HOSUNG VIET NAM300PCE63.39ChinaNA
3/29/202490021900K152#&Assembled objective lens, 318001500235FOXLENS OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LTD112000PCE225456ChinaNA
3/29/202490021900Replacement parts for product inspection machine: Transparent X-lamp lens, inner surface, 3083x90x37mm, 100% newBAUMER INSPECTION GMBH1PCE175.633GermanyNA
3/29/202490021900B13#&Lens +AF unit (Lens + adjuster for DTDD cameras) (3.4x0.193x7.35mm)SUNS CO LTD153892PCE291625.34TaiwanNA
3/29/202490021900VSM-MC03-100-45UM lens, used for optical measuring and inspection equipment to measure product quality (focal length f= 27.5mm, magnification 0.3X +/-5%). 100% new product #&CNRTC TECHNOLOGY VIETNAM JOINT STOCK COMPANY2PCE741.1622VIETNAMNA
3/29/202490021900HNTVN02#&Lens used to produce cameras, MMLE00189 39246D-400COASIA CM KOREA COLTD300000PCE216720ChinaNA
3/29/202490021900Specialized lens for optical measuring and inspection equipment to measure product quality (focal length f= 6mm, aperture f1.4 - f16). Model: SV-0614H-1-CP. Manufacturer: VS TECHNOLOGY. 100% NewVS TECHNOLOGY THAILAND CO LTD3PCE365.556JapanNA
3/29/202490021900Specialized lens for optical measuring and inspection equipment to measure product quality (focal length f= 75mm, aperture f2.5 - close). Model: SV-7525H-1-CP-EXR5. Manufacturer: VS TECHNOLOGY. 100% NewVS TECHNOLOGY THAILAND CO LTD3PCE383.832ChinaNA

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Import data of Nikon lens under HS code 90021900 Vietnam. We collect Import data of Nikon lens under HS code 90021900 with product anddate.Import data of Nikon lens under HS code 90021900 Vietnam helps to analyze Import price, companyname, port, importer and exporter, product description, quantity, market trends, and many other datapoints.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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