South America Import Export Data

Get Exclusive South America import export data reports for a detailed South America market analysis. Find full coverage on top South America import export commodities, countries, ports, importer and exporter shipment records. Grow your business revenue by finding genuine leads through our South America importers exporters directory.

Get a full South American countries database consisting of historical and latest South American countries trade data 2023, 2024, South American buyers list, South American suppliers list, ports volume reports.

10+ South America Countries Import Export Data

Expand your business to the 10+ South America countries import export data. Get verified South America customs data. Discover top market trends, demand, pricing, buyers & suppliers from the leading trading countries such as Brazil Chile, Argentina, Peru, Colombia etc.

According to the latest South America trade data statistics 2023, Brazil was the top importer and exporter from the South America continent with a total trade value of 374 Billion USD. Get high ROI opportunities through our global trade intelligence platform. Access the South America buyers list and suppliers list to enhance your company sales.

South America Imports and Exports

As per the South America shipment data, Soybeans, Vehicles, Petroleum and Ships were top South America imports by country. Whereas, Petroleum, Coffee, Meats, Copper and Wool were among the major South America exports by country. Discover product wise South America shipment records through our global products directory.

Sample Data Details
  • Product Description
  • HS Code
  • Quantity
  • Unit
  • Value
  • Buyer Name
  • Supplier Name
  • Country of Origin
  • Country of Destination
  • Port of Loading
  • Port of Unloading
  • Shipping Date
south america imports exports south america imports by country

South America Export Import Data Sample

Get a detailed sample South America export import data by country of origin/destination, hs code, description, quantity, price, importer, exporter and port of loading/unloading shipping information.

Field Name Detail
Date of Shipment : 3/19/2019
HS Code : 0511999000
Quantity : 40
Quantity Unit : Cask (Barrel)
Value($) : 137777.78
Country of Origin : Panama
Country of Destination : Brazil
Importer : ********
Exporter : ********
Field Name Detail
Date of Shipment : 3/6/2019
HS Code : 2208301000
Product Details WHISKEY MALTA - 20,000 LITERS Item 1 Invoice B002-00000357
Quantity : 20000
Quantity Unit : Liters
Value($) : 81655.56
Country of Origin : Brazil
Country of Destination : Uruguay
Importer : ********
Exporter : ********
Field Name Detail
Date of Shipment : 1/9/2021
HS Code : 99010001
Quantity : 1
Quantity Unit : PIEZA
Value($) : 79.87
Country of Origin : Argentina
Country of Destination : Mexico
Importer : ********
Exporter : ********

South American Importers Exporters

South American Buyers Suppliers List

Petroleo Brasileiro-sa Petrobras from Brazil, Manufacturas Eliot S.A.S. from Colombia, and the Shelf from Argentina were the top South America import companies in 2023.
On the other hand, the leading South America export companies were Bomag Marini Equipments from Brazil, Argesa Argentina Exportadora and Ilumec from Colombia.

Explore the complete shipment records of top North American Import Export Companies through our Global Companies Directory.

The Shelf from Argentina Importer

Petróleo Brasileiro-sa Petrobras Brazil Importer

Lojas Renner Trading Uruguay SA

Manufacturas Eliot S.A.S. from Colombia

Serviam S.A. Importer from Chile

Ilumec Exporter from Colombia

Antar Expo from Chile

Argesa Argentina Exportadora S.A. Exporter

Bomag Marini Equipments Ltd Brazil Exporter

Grupo Charrua Uruguay Exporter

Gain Latest Insights into South American market

Our Expert South America trade intelligence platform helps businesses to expand in the South America Market. Discover the key performance metrics for your business and outrank your competitors through a data driven approach.

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200+ Countries Trade Database

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10+ South American Countries Reports

10+ South American Countries Reports

Our well researched reports are based on the historical import export data of top South American countries that assists you in detailed market research.

Global Ports Shipment Records

Global Ports Shipment Records

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South American Companies List

South American Companies List

Get authentic business leads from our South American companies list and enhance your company’s revenue.

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south america trade data
south america customs data

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Soy/Grains, Vehicles, Petroleum and Ships are the main product imports of South America.

Petroleum, Coffee, Meats, Copper and Wool are the main South America exports.

Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Peru and Colombia are South America's biggest trading countries.

Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Argentina and Peru are the top South America Countries by imports.

Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Peru and Colombia are the top South America Countries by exports.

Exim Trade Data provides customized South America trade statistics for better extensive market research (yearly, quarterly or monthly).