North America Import Export Data

Explore the North American market through our Global Trade Intelligence Platform. Get accurate North America import export data reports with maximum coverage. Identify the key trends, product demand, top countries and North American importers, exporters’ shipment wise from our North America Import Export Database. Find potential leads through our North America importers exporters’ directory.

Get a full North American countries database consisting of historical and latest North American countries trade data 2023, 2024, North American buyers list, North American suppliers list, ports volume reports

23+ North American Countries Import Export Data

Get instant access to the 23+ North American countries import export data including the United States, Canada, Mexico, Cuba, etc. Exim Trade Data provides the verified North America customs data by HS code, country, buyer, supplier, and port.As per the North America Trade Data Statistics 2023, the United States (5.43 Trillion USD), Canada (1.25 Trillion USD), and Mexico (1.06 Trillion USD) were the top North American Countries by imports and exports.

Make timely business decisions based on North America Shipment data. Reduce your financial risk by reaching out to the genuine buyers and suppliers in North America. Get quality sales through our Global Company Directory.

North America Imports and Exports

For the financial year 2023, Vehicles, Ships, Petroleum, Electronics and Machinery were top North America imports by country. On the other hand, the top North America exports by country were Aircrafts, Medicines, Vaccines, Surgical Instruments and Coal. Get a detailed North America product list at our portal.

Sample Data Details
  • Product Description
  • HS Code
  • Quantity
  • Unit
  • Value
  • Buyer Name
  • Supplier Name
  • Country of Origin
  • Country of Destination
  • Port of Loading
  • Port of Unloading
  • Shipping Date

North America Export Import Data Sample

We provide the free North America Export Import Data Sample prior to your purchase. Get all essential data fields including HS code, product description, quantity, unit, price, importer, exporter and ports shipping information.

Field Name Detail
Date of Shipment : 1/21/2021
HS Code : 84771099
Quantity : 77000
Quantity Unit : KILO
Value($) : 165000
Country of Origin : Luxembourg
Country of Destination : Mexico
Port : Aeropuerto Internacional De La Ciudad De Mexico
Importer : ********
Exporter : ********
Field Name Detail
Date of Shipment : 1/10/2021
HS Code : 44079990
Product Details Walnut sawn-Thickness 25.4 mm (4/4 Walnut Kiln Dried # 2Common) Name KH: Juglans nigra -The Cites thuocDM not issued
Quantity : 32.45
Quantity Unit : MTQ
Value($) : 16874.52
Country of Origin : US
Country of Destination : Vietnam
Port : Port of South Louisiana
Importer : ********
Exporter : ********
Field Name Detail
Date of Shipment : 1/13/2021
HS Code : 73182400
Product Details Barricades made of stainless steel, for installation of spare parts for oil wellhead equipment khi.MULTI SETTING TOOL ANTI-ROTATION.PN:Y29900-00002430.Mới 100%
Quantity : 6
Quantity Unit : PCE
Value($) : 1896
Country of Origin : Panama
Country of Destination : Vietnam
Port : Manzanillo Port
Importer : ********
Exporter : ********

North American Importers Exporters

North American Buyers Suppliers List

Walmart from the USA, Imports Dragon from Canada, Solectron Manufacturers from Mexico, Agencias Celmar from Panama and Importaciones Vega from Costa Rica were the top North American import companies of 2023.Explore the complete shipment records of top North American Import Export Companies through our Global Companies Directory.

Solectron Manufacturers

General Motors

Agencias Celmar

US Pharmacy Systems INC



Imports Dragon

IRP Industrial Rubber Ltd.

Importaciones Vega

Multimodal Operador Logístico

As per North America Import Export Database, the top North American export companies of 2023 were Koch Industries from the USA, Enbridge from Canada, General Motors from Mexico, Bering Motors from Panama and Sea Global Logistics Services from Costa Rica.

General Motors

PCE Technology

Bering Motors

DHL Aero Expreso

Koch Industries

International Paper


TC Energy

Sea Global Logistics Services

American Cargo S.A.

Get Actionable Insights into the North American Market

Perform an in-depth North American Market research based on our impressive business intelligence reports. Find key performing factors for your business and streamline your workflow. Seek steady business growth with a data driven approach.

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Global Shipments Records

Global Shipments Records

Discover the shipment records of over 200+ countries including India, Turkey, Russia, US, China, Vietnam, etc. Get the customized trade data on demand.

23+ North American Countries Data

23+ North American Countries Data

Expand your business to 23+ North American Countries with a competitive marketing strategy based on North America trade statistics.

North American Ports Database

North American Ports Database

Identify the top North American Ports with maximum shipment volume. Discover the trade flow and supply chain structure of top North American countries.

North American Companies List

North American Companies List

Find tons of business prospects through the North American Companies Directory. Also, track and monitor your competitor shipments for better business strategy.

Search Unlimited Trade Data of Over 200+ Countries

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Petroleum, Vehicles, Ships, Electronics and Machinery are the major imports of North America.

Aircrafts, Semiconductors, Chemicals, Petroleum and Electrical Equipment are the major exports of North America.

North America's biggest trading countries are the United States, Canada, and Mexico.

The United States, Canada, and Mexico are the top North American Countries by imports.

The United States, Canada, and Mexico are the top North American Countries by exports.

Exim Trade Data provides the accurate North America Trade Statistics that helps you in building impactful marketing strategies.