Welcome to the World’s Largest Global Trade Database

Import Export Data of 200+ countries

With the latest updated import export data of over 200+ countries, expand your reach to most diverse markets. Drive high quality ROI leads from all over the globe. Through Exim Trade’s import export platform, find actionable insights over international trade imports and exports data by country, quantity, value, suppliers, port volumes, importers and keep an eye on international buyers and competitors shipment activities.

Get monthly updated import export data of India, US, China, Australia, Vietnam, Russia, Turkey, European, African and Latin American markets.

Find 100% verified international trade data with accurate import export details.

Affordable plans & pricing


Highly Recommended for beginners. For Better Analysis & Comprehensive Market Research


  • Full Data Search
  • 5,000 Download Credits
  • 6 Months Validity


Get More Searches, More Downloads, & More Control With The Basic Plan


  • Full Data Search
  • 10,000 Download Credits
  • 12 Months Validity


Explore Emerging Markets, Trends, Opportunities And Get More Download Limit


  • Full Data Search
  • 30,000 Download Credits
  • 24 Months Validity


Access detailed trade information By Product, Country, & Ports With Premium Plan


  • Full Data Search
  • 50,000 Download Credits
  • 30 Months Validity


Highly Recommended for beginners. For Better Analysis & Comprehensive Market Research


  • Full Data Search
  • 5,000 Download Credits
  • 6 Months Validity


Get More Searches, More Downloads, & More Control With The Basic Plan


  • Full Data Search
  • 10,000 Download Credits
  • 12 Months Validity


Explore Emerging Markets, Trends, Opportunities And Get More Download Limit


  • Full Data Search
  • 30,000 Download Credits
  • 24 Months Validity


Access Access detailed trade information By Product, Country, & Ports With Premium Plan


  • Full Data Search
  • 50,000 Download Credits
  • 30 Months Validity

Customized Plan

Create Your Own Plan

Get Free Demo
  • Choose From 200+ Countries
  • Complete Historical Data Access
  • Unlimited Searches
  • Customizable Download Records
  • Customized User Licence
  • Priority Customer Support

Data available for 200+ other countries


  • India import export data


  • China import export data


  • Japan import export data


  • Turkey import export data


  • South Korea import export data

    South Korea


  • Chad import export data


  • Ghana import export data


  • Kenya import export data


  • Tanzania import export data


  • Tanzania import export data

    South Africa


  • UK import export data


  • Spain import export data


  • Russia import export data


  • Netherlands import export data


  • Germany import export data



  • US import export data


  • Mexico import export data


  • Argentina import import export data


  • Canada import export data


  • Brazil import export data



  • Fiji import export data


  • Austrailia import export data


  • New Zealand import export data

    New Zealand

  • many more..

Get dedicated api to access our global trade database

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How we Work:




Unlock Unique Benefits of Exim GTIS

Visual Reports

Find the spot on visual reports for comprehensive market research. Discover top 10 HS codes, month wise, country wise, Importer Exporter wise shipment records. Utilize this information for crucial business decisions.

Product Trends

Stay ahead of your competition with the latest market trends. Discover the latest product trends by HS Code, Chapter, Heading, Subheading, Destination Country, Exporter, Exporter District & State, Mode of Transport, and Port of Discharge/Loading etc.

Advance Search

Keeping the user convenience in mind, we have advance search option that help you to sort the information as per your requirement. You can select country, data type, data duration, & product. Also, you can download your search query results in excel/pdf format.

Importer Exporter Tree

Find product sourcing, new buyers and suppliers through our Importer Exporter Tree. It helps you identify the 3 levels of the network of Importers and Exporters. That helps you gain quality business leads and expand your market at the international level.

Some Exclusive Features of our Global Trade Database

Analyze Your Product Demand

  • Real-time shipment records
  • Global Products List
  • Potential Buyers List
  • Global Suppliers Data
  • Most traded HS Codes

Empower Your Research With

  • Global Trends Reports
  • Chapter Wise Reports
  • Product Specific Reports
  • Country Wise Data Records
  • Importer Exporter Nexus

Find Quality Business Leads With

  • Buyers Dashboard
  • Exporters Directory
  • Contact Information
  • Global Company Profiles
  • Importers Exporters Tree

Our Plan Inclusions:

  • Get subscribed to our plans, specially crafted for the Canadian market and boost your import export business.
  • We have the most cost-effective plans with extensive features and more control. You can access, save and download the import export data reports of multiple countries by HS Code, product, price, quantity, importer, exporter and port at any point of time.
  • Get affordable and customizable plans, pricing that meet your requirements.
  • The Search and Download Limit may differ for every single subscription plan.
  • We provide the most accurate and verified customs data of Canada based on the most trusted sources.
  • The above pricing plans are exclusive of 18% GST
  • To check our plans and pricing for other countries, click here
our clients
Our Clients

Trusted By Top Brands

We are privileged to work with some of the most prestigious clients in the industry. Our vision is to deliver fast, prompt & reliable information to our clients that adds value to their business.

Frequently Asked Questions

Exim GTIS is the leading trade intelligence platform helping businesses to prosper in the global market.

We provide expert market intelligence reports of over 200+ countries that highlights the latest market trends, product lists, port shipment records, importers and exporters list..

Through our platform, you could mitigate the financial risk involved in the business by reaching out to the genuine buyers and suppliers from the international market. In return, you can generate more ROI and create a strong brand presence.

Exim GTIS has a well researched database of over 200+ countries.

Also, you could access the exclusive countries data including Turkey, Bangladesh, Thailand, Ghana, Chad, Mexico, Tanzania etc.

We provide detailed trade statistics reports based on the information collected from latest transactions, invoices, bills, port shipments and customs department.

Our global trade database contains 4 types of data:

  • Statistical Data: It helps you to identify market trends, demand and evaluate product pricing. It contains Date of shipment, Product Quantity, Price, Country of Origin/Destination, etc.
  • Customs Data:Customs Data is the data indicated by the customs department of global countries. It includes valuable shipping details such as product HS Code, description, country, buyer, supplier name, and port of loading/unloading.
  • Mirror Data:It contains the data of countries with little coverage. It is extracted from the data indicated by their trading partner countries.
  • Bill of Lading Data: This kind of data is determined on the basis of shipping details of a company excluding pricing.

We have 5 plans, Starter, Basic, Plus, Pro and Premium.

Each plan has different search limits, download credits, and user licence.

You can compare among different plans, you can choose your desired plan and also, you could customize your plan as your requirement & budget.

For subscribing to the Exim GTIS trade intelligence platform, you first need to visit our pricing plan page and compare among our given plans.

Then, you click on the Request Demo button. After making the payment, your will receive an activation email and after the verification, your account will get activated.

Our point system varies as per plans.

Once your account is activated, you can access the database of all countries.

The points & credits will be awarded on the basis of searches, and downloads available under the plan a user chooses.

The points would be deducted on the basis of country and the data accessible under the user plan.

For example:

  • For Indonesia Data, 1 point would be deducted for downloading 1 shipment.
  • For Vietnam Trade Data, 1 point would be deducted for downloading 1 shipment.
  • For Turkey Direct Export Data, 10 points would be deducted for downloading 1 shipment.

Feel free to connect with our experts for any kind of assistance.

Once you make the payment, you would receive an activation email. After the verification, your account will get activated.

To cater our customer's requirements, we provide customized data plans that best suit their requirements and budget. You could simply write an email to us at info@eximtradedata.com with your requirement and we will get back to you soon.

Our Team of Experts is available 24*7 to provide assistance to our customers. Also, you can connect with us for any help or training at +91-9625812393.