Get Latest Vietnam Import Data of Nikon lens under HS Code 9002190000

Discover latest Vietnam shipment data of Nikon lens under HS code 9002190000. Find Product description, Price, buyer, supplier name, Port & shipping information. Ultilize these valuable insights for implementing successful marketing strategy. Scale your Business with our authentic Vietnam Import Data.

9/30/20239002190000FY108#&Lens, material: glass, size: 9.55*3.95mm,UB316-01859-02CLOUD NETWORK TECHNOLOGY SINGAPORE PTE LTD5950Pieces523.6Hong KongPTSC DINH VU
9/30/20239002190000B66#&Lens (Lens for DTDD cameras). size:(6.523x6.978x3.645 mm)SUNS CO LTD310800Pieces214103.904ChinaHO CHI MINH
9/30/20239002190000FY108#&Lens, size: 9.55*3.95*1mm,UB316-02373-01CLOUD NETWORK TECHNOLOGY SINGAPORE PTE LTD380Pieces33.44Hong KongPTSC DINH VU
9/30/20239002190000B66#&Lens (Lens for DTDD cameras). Size:(6,987 x 6,520 x 3,645 mm)SUNS CO LTD180000Pieces123998.4ChinaHO CHI MINH
9/30/20239002190000133.5mm diameter lens, 2.5mm thickness, zinc selenide (ZnSe) material with optically processed AR-coated surface, specialized for Laser machines, 100% newGUANGXI ZHONGQIAO IMPORT AND EXPORT TRADE CO LTD200Pieces7440ChinaCUA KHAU HUU NGHI (LANG SON)
9/29/20239002190000FY108#&Lens, plastic housing, size: 14mm,317.00012.005AOCLOUD NETWORK TECHNOLOGY SINGAPORE PTE LTD21600Pieces46915.2ChinaCUA KHAU HUU NGHI (LANG SON)
9/29/20239002190000FY108#&Lens, shell material is plastic, size: 20*16*15.26mm,315.00060.005AOCLOUD NETWORK TECHNOLOGY SINGAPORE PTE LTD38400Pieces137856ChinaCUA KHAU HUU NGHI (LANG SON)
9/29/20239002190000HNTVN02#&Lens used to produce cameras, MMLE00138 39248A-400COASIA CM KOREA COLTD24700Pieces15212.73ChinaHA NOI
9/29/20239002190000B13#&Lens +AF unit (Lens + adjuster for DTDD cameras) (3.4x0.193x7.35mm)SUNS CO LTD504000Pieces955080TaiwanHO CHI MINH
9/29/20239002190000FUH215#&Lens, material: plastic, size: 8.1*18.85mm,20-031467-2NDCLOUD NETWORK TECHNOLOGY SINGAPORE PTE LTD47040Pieces23190.72Hong KongCANG TAN VU - HP

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Import data of Nikon lens under HS code 9002190000 Vietnam. We collect Import data of Nikon lens under HS code 9002190000 with product anddate.Import data of Nikon lens under HS code 9002190000 Vietnam helps to analyze Import price, companyname, port, importer and exporter, product description, quantity, market trends, and many other datapoints.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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