Vietnam Monomers imports data 2024 - Monomers Import Data of Vietnam

Complete Detailed Competitor Analysis through our latest Monomers Import Data of Vietnam 2024. Find detailed Vietnam Import Data statistics consisting of the name of Monomers device importer in Vietnam with Date, HS code, Product Details, quantity, Unit, Total Value in USD, Country, port Loading & unloading, buyer and more shipping information details below.

3/30/202432082090PSR-9000 V10-KD#&Copper board coating PSR-9000 FLX29EML, 1 bottle = 0.85kg, good electrical insulation and heat resistance, TP: Diethylene glycol monoethyl ether acetate, Acrylic Monomers, Phenol resin & Others,.BH COLTD42.5KGM3009.1615South KoreaNA
3/30/202435069900NLSX-025#&Adhesive type BT-723-1, ingredients: Polyacrylate 40-50% CAS code 31759-42-9, Acrylic monomers 20-30% CAS code 13048-33-4, 5kg/bottle, Manufacturer: Dongguan City Betterly New Materials Co.,Ltd. 100% NewDONGGUAN DUNION ELECTRONICS CO LTD20KGM840ChinaNA
3/30/202432082090PSR-9000 V10-KD#&Copper board coating PSR-9000 FLX29EML, 1 bottle = 0.85kg, good electrical insulation and heat resistance, TP: Diethylene glycol monoethyl ether acetate, Acrylic Monomers, Phenol resin & Others,.BH COLTD42.5KGM3009.1615South KoreaNA
3/30/202432089090Solvent for printing ink used in manufacturing printed circuit boards CA-40 G23K, 1 box = 300g, TP: BaSO4 35-45%, rel-1,3,5-Tris[(2R)-2-oxiranylmethyl]-1, 3,5-triazine-2,4,6(1H,3H,5H)-tr 25-35%.Acrylic Monomers 15-25%..,100% newINTERFLEX COLTD20UNA258.66South KoreaNA
3/30/202432089090Solvent for printing ink used in manufacturing printed circuit boards CA-40 G23K, 1 box = 300g, TP: BaSO4 35-45%, rel-1,3,5-Tris[(2R)-2-oxiranylmethyl]-1, 3,5-triazine-2,4,6(1H,3H,5H)-tr 25-35%.Acrylic Monomers 15-25%..,100% newINTERFLEX COLTD20UNA258.66South KoreaNA
3/30/202435069900NLSX-025#&Adhesive type BT-639-50, ingredients: Polyacrylate 49-69% CAS code 31759-42-9, Acrylic monomers 33-46% CAS code 13048-33-4, 5kg/bottle, manufacturer: Dongguan City Better New Materials. 100% NewDONGGUAN DUNION ELECTRONICS CO LTD10KGM420ChinaNA
3/29/202438140000SOLVENT_CA-40 D10-KD#&Solvent (CA-40 D10), 1 bottle = 0.3kg, Ingredients are Acrylic Monomers, Phenol resin & Others,.. used to mix with PSR-4000 D10ME preparation, 100% newBH COLTD3KGM382.029South KoreaNA
3/28/202439011099LDPE resin in primary form (low density polyethylene resin) LDPE 7019EC 149, containing alpha-olefin monomers of 5% or more, specific gravity: 0.919, (packaging material). 100% new. Contract: 4737721SABIC ASIA PACIFIC PTE LTD24TNE26640Saudi ArabiaNA
3/28/202439011099LDPE recycled plastic pellets (LDPE B), specific gravity below 0.94; containing not less than 5% alpha-olefin monomers. New 100%KONE INTERNATIONAL COLTD9.5KGM9.5TaiwanNA
3/28/202439011099LDPE recycled plastic pellets (LDPE A), specific gravity below 0.94; containing not less than 5% alpha-olefin monomers. New 100%KONE INTERNATIONAL COLTD9.5KGM9.5TaiwanNA

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Exim Trade Data provides the latest, 100% genuine and trusted Vietnam Import data of Monomers with HS Code and Price. We collect Monomers Import data from Vietnam ports, customs, and othertrusted authorities in Vietnam.Vietnam Monomers Import data report helps to analyze Import price, product,company name, port, importer and exporter, product description, date, quantity, market trends, and manyother data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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