Get Latest Vietnam Monomers Import Data from Japan

Get latest Customs Import data of Vietnam from Itlay for HS code . Discover valuable information such as Product Name, Price, Value, Unit, Quantity, Importer Port Name, and more shipment details based on invoices, shipping bill and other documents for better market research.

3/26/202435069900MVCM-0010#&Adhesive ;ANAC-0836B; (Modified Acrylate Oligomers 40-50%, UV Curable Monomers 20-30%, Plasticzier 20-30%, Other Addtive Agents < 5%), 100% newCONG TY TNHH KISCO VIET NAM2KGM225.13JapanNA
3/26/202435069900MVCM-0010#&Adhesive ;ANAC-0836A; (Modified Acrylate Oligomers 40-50%, UV Curable Monomers 20-30%, Plasticzier 20-30%, Other Addtive Agents 1-10%), 100% newCONG TY TNHH KISCO VIET NAM2KGM225.13JapanNA
3/25/202432089090Product F-3 dries quickly, increases adhesion and enhances printing ink color (Main ingredients: Barium Sulfate, Acrylic Monomers, Epoxy Resin...) Packaging: 0.05kg/box. 100% NewNEWFLEX TECHNOLOGY CO LTD0.15KGM11.04JapanNA
3/22/202435061000S-ZOH621650009#&Adhesive used in the production of camera lenses (tp:Modified acrylate oligomers 30%;Curable monomers 40% (no CAS number))(1bottle=0.25Kg) _ Adhesive world rock 5342 [ZOH621650009]DAIICHI SHOJI CO LTD1UNA353JapanNA
3/22/20243506100006-00-BON-00033#&Sealent_UV_8530S epoxy glue 06-00-BON-00033, 10g/bottle (Ingredients: UV curable monomers, Modified acrylate oligomers, Fillers). New 100%NAMUGA COLTD100GRM170JapanNA
3/20/202435061000T8CK011#&Component mounting glue (main ingredients Acrylate oligmers, Curable monomers)PANASONIC OPERATIONAL EXCELLENCE CO LTD3UNA269.5545JapanNA
3/19/202435061000COC10111A#&Adhesive used in camera production/ Bond 8530S, (contains: Modified acrylate oligomers 20-30%,UV curable monomers 30-40%, Fillers 20-30%,Other additive agents 10-20%) (1ea = 01 bottle = 250g). 100% newSINYOUNG TRADING CORP10PCE6850JapanNA
3/16/202435069900MVCM-0010#&Adhesive ;ANAC-0836A; (Modified Acrylate Oligomers 40-50%, UV Curable Monomers 20-30%, Plasticzier 20-30%, Other Addtive Agents 1-10%), 100% newCONG TY TNHH KISCO VIET NAM2KGM225.13JapanNA
3/16/202435069900MVCM-0010#&Adhesive ;ANAC-0836B; (Modified Acrylate Oligomers 40-50%, UV Curable Monomers 20-30%, Plasticzier 20-30%, Other Addtive Agents < 5%), 100% newCONG TY TNHH KISCO VIET NAM2KGM225.13JapanNA
3/13/202435061000L1035-1#&Adhesive no.5341L (300g/bottle), ingredients Modified acrylate oligomers 20-30%, UV curable monomers 30-40%, Fillers 30-40%.DAIICHI SHOJI COLTD80UNA16480JapanNA

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Monomers Import Data of Vietnamfrom Japan. We collect Monomers Import Data of Vietnam from Japan with product and date. Monomers ImportData of Vietnam from Japan helps to analyze Import price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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