Get Latest Vietnam Monomers Import Data from Vietnam

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3/26/202439011092Genuine plastic masterbatch LINEAR LOW DENSITY POLYETYLENE LLDPE 119ZJ 148, 100% new (Polyethylene containing alpha-olefin monomers of 5% or less, imported at 105814155200)#&SAVietnam Plastic Joint Stock Company24.25TNE25705VIETNAMNA
3/26/202439011092Genuine plastic masterbatch LLDPE DFDC-7050, 100% new (Polyethylene containing alpha-olefin monomers of 5% or less, imported at 104660086530)#&OMVietnam Plastic Joint Stock Company0.75TNE795VIETNAMNA
3/26/202439011092Genuine plastic masterbatch LINEAR LOW DENSITY POLYETYLENE LLDPE 119ZJ 148, 100% new (Polyethylene containing alpha-olefin monomers of 5% or less, imported at 105814155200)#&SAVietnam Plastic Joint Stock Company24.25TNE25705VIETNAMNA
3/26/202439011092Genuine plastic masterbatch LLDPE DFDC-7050, 100% new (Polyethylene containing alpha-olefin monomers of 5% or less, imported at 104660086530)#&OMVietnam Plastic Joint Stock Company0.75TNE795VIETNAMNA
3/16/2024321100001325#&Hardener,n-Butyl acetate50-66%,Polyacrylate25-35%,Acrylic monomers 2-11%,Photoinitiator2-4%, Additives1-4%,TSS-201-7, 100% new, partial return Section 26 Account 105922552150 dated November 29, 2023.#&CNCDL PRECISION TECHNOLOGY VIETNAM Co Ltd135KGM3851.7255VIETNAMNA
3/2/2024350699001324#&Printing transfer glue, used to produce cell phone back covers, Polyacrylate 48-65%, Acrylic monomers 28-43%, Photoinitiator 2-5%, Additives 3-7%, TSD-538-38B, 100% new, full return Section 22 Account 105922552150 dated November 29, 2023#&CNCDL PRECISION TECHNOLOGY VIETNAM Co Ltd24KGM1087.8312VIETNAMNA
3/2/2024350699001324#&Printing transfer glue, used to produce cell phone back covers, Polyacrylate 48-65%, Acrylic monomers 28-43%, Photoinitiator 2-5%, Additives 3-7%, TSD-538-38B, 100% new, full return Section 21 Account 105922552150 dated November 29, 2023#&CNCDL PRECISION TECHNOLOGY VIETNAM Co Ltd24KGM1087.8312VIETNAMNA
3/2/2024350699001324#&Printing transfer glue, used to produce cell phone back covers, Polyacrylate 48-65%, Acrylic monomers 28-43%, Photoinitiator 2-5%, Additives 3-7%, TSD-538-38B, 100% new, full return Item 9 Account 105874151610 dated November 15, 2023#&CNCDL PRECISION TECHNOLOGY VIETNAM Co Ltd24KGM1087.8312VIETNAMNA
3/2/2024350699001324#&Printing transfer glue, used to produce cell phone back covers, Polyacrylate 48-65%, Acrylic monomers 28-43%, Photoinitiator 2-5%, Additives 3-7%, TSD-538-38B, 100% new, return 1 Section 10 Account 105874151610 dated November 15, 2023#&CNCDL PRECISION TECHNOLOGY VIETNAM Co Ltd8KGM362.6104VIETNAMNA
3/2/2024350699001324#&Printing transfer glue, used to produce cell phone back covers, Polyacrylate 48-65%, Acrylic monomers 28-43%, Photoinitiator 2-5%, Additives 3-7%, TSD-538-38B, 100% new, full return Section 23 Account 105922552150 dated November 29, 2023#&CNCDL PRECISION TECHNOLOGY VIETNAM Co Ltd24KGM1087.8312VIETNAMNA

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Monomers Import Data of Vietnamfrom Vietnam. We collect Monomers Import Data of Vietnam from Vietnam with product and date. Monomers ImportData of Vietnam from Vietnam helps to analyze Import price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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