Get Latest Vietnam Yong heng Import Data from Thailand

Get latest Customs Import data of Vietnam from Itlay for HS code . Discover valuable information such as Product Name, Price, Value, Unit, Quantity, Importer Port Name, and more shipment details based on invoices, shipping bill and other documents for better market research.

3/29/202435051090Food ingredients: ERA-GEL (50KG/DRUM), expiration date: February 2029, Manufacturer: Cho Heng Ricevermicelli-Factory Co.Ltd, 100% new productNEO UNICAP COLTD7500KGM30750ThailandNA
3/29/202435051090Food ingredients: ERA-TAB (40KG/DRUM), expiration date: February 2029, Manufacturer: Cho Heng Ricevermicelli-Factory Co.Ltd, 100% new productNEO UNICAP COLTD3600KGM14760ThailandNA
2/27/202435051090Food ingredients: ERA-PAC, expiration date: January 19, 2029, Manufacturer: Cho Heng Ricevermicelli-Factory Co.Ltd, 100% new productNEO UNICAP COLTD2200KGM7238ThailandNA
1/23/202435051090Excipients: ERA GEL, NF38 (PREGELATINIZED STARCH), lot: G6611085 to G6611088, G6611090, G6612091, production: 12/2023, date: 12/2028. Publisher: Cho Heng Rice Vermicelli Factory Co., Ltd. Announcement (VD-32143-19)NEO UNICAP CO LTD6000Kilograms24600ThailandNA
1/23/202435051090Excipients: ERA TAB, NF38, (PREGELATINIZED STARCH), lot: T661218, production: 12/2023, date: 12/2028. Publisher: Cho Heng Rice Vermicelli Factory Co., Ltd. Announcement (VD-34827-20)NEO UNICAP CO LTD4000Kilograms16400ThailandNA
11/8/202312099190Cucumber seed H7 (Cucumber seed H7), scientific name: Cucumis sativus, packaged 25kg/bag. Producer: SENG HENG HUAT SEED CO.,LTD. 100% NewSENG HENG HUAT SEED COLTD100Kilograms10000ThailandNA
10/9/202321069099Food ingredients: Lemon Juice Twin Tusk lemon flavor, Brand: Leng Heng, 1000ml/bottle; 12 bottles/carton, Main ingredients: Water, Citri acid (E330), Manufacturer: LENG HENG AGRI FOODS CO.,LTD, Expiry date: 2023-2025, 100% newSHENG CAI ORIENTAL COLTD300Box/Bag/Pack2940ThailandNA
8/8/202335051090Excipients: ERA TAB, NF38, (PREGELATINIZED STARCH), batch: T660710, manufacture: 07/2023, hd: 07/2028. Publisher: Cho Heng Rice Vermicelli Factory Co., Ltd. (Published: VD-34827-20)NEO UNICAP CO LTD3800Kilograms15580ThailandNA
8/8/202335051090Excipients: ERA GEL, NF38 (PREGELATINIZED STARCH), batch: G6606048 to G6606053, manufacture: 06/2023, hd: 06/2028. Publisher: Cho Heng Rice Vermicelli Factory Co., Ltd. (Published: VD-32143-19)NEO UNICAP CO LTD6000Kilograms24600ThailandNA
6/22/202321069099Food ingredients: Lemon Juice Twin Tusk lemon flavor,Brand:Leng Heng,1000ml/bottle;12 bottles/carton. Main TP:Water,Citric acid(E330).NSX:LENG HENG AGRI FOODS CO.,LTD.HSD :2023-2025,100% Brand NewSHENG CAI ORIENTAL COLTD390Box/Bag/Pack3512.886ThailandNA

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Yong heng Import Data of Vietnamfrom Thailand. We collect Yong heng Import Data of Vietnam from Thailand with product and date. Yong heng ImportData of Vietnam from Thailand helps to analyze Import price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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