Get Latest Vietnam Yong heng Import Data from Taiwan

Get latest Customs Import data of Vietnam from Itlay for HS code . Discover valuable information such as Product Name, Price, Value, Unit, Quantity, Importer Port Name, and more shipment details based on invoices, shipping bill and other documents for better market research.

3/27/202484224000Tying machine used to close cartons for production, model CY-100, size 125x153x170 cm. capacity 0.37kw, voltage 220V, manufacturer CHANG YONG MACHINERY CO., LTD. 100% new.CHANG YONG MACHINERY CO LTD10PCE19418.9TaiwanNA
3/15/202439209990VNPU30#&100% TPU non-porous TPU plastic film, size 48CM. 100% new. Publisher: Zi yongCHUNG JYE SHOES HOLDINGS LIMITED TAIWAN BRANCH7YRD95.8398TaiwanNA
3/12/202490178000Guide roller groove size measuring gauge, non-adjustable measuring tool, steel material, size: 200mm x 80mm, D/N: RSN0002, 1SET=32 PCE, manufacturer: CHING YONG. 100% NewFORMOSA HA TINH CAYMAN LIMITED TAIWAN BRANCH2SET1754.804TaiwanNA
3/11/20243812200016#&Additive (powder form - used to plasticize rubber in shoe production), brand: TP-1250; Manufacturer: HENG LAI CHEMICAL CO.,LTD; Specification: 1 bag: 20 kg (NW). CAS code: 14807- 96-6. Chemical formula: MGO ; ERP : R05001BRIGHT STAR TRADING LTD17000KGM6800TaiwanNA
3/4/202439209990VNPU30#&100% TPU non-porous plastic film, size 48CM. 100% new. Publisher: zi yongCHUNG JYE SHOES HOLDINGS LIMITED TAIWAN BRANCH101YRD1382.9728TaiwanNA
3/1/202482041100Manual screw driver, not adjustable, 1 SET=13 PCE, 100% new, manufacturer: Quan Heng, (FOC)CHUAN LIH FA MACHINERY WORKS COLTD5SET93.9TaiwanNA
2/23/202484798210EVA plastic granulator used to produce shoes, model: A-10, brand: HENG CHIH, Manufacturer: Heng Chih Machinery CO., Ltd, capacity: 15HP, electrically operated, 100% new productGLORY STEEL ENTERPRISE CO LTD1SET5900.7277TaiwanNA
2/16/202484137049Coaxial horizontal centrifugal pump used to pump hot water (including base, no motor), manufacturer: SHIN HENG, model: 350-400, flow: 1500m3/h, suction port: 350mm, 100% new productSHIN HENG CHIA ENTERPRISE COLTD1PCE9500TaiwanNA
2/2/202439209990VNPU30#&100% TPU non-porous TPU plastic film, size 54". 100% new. Manufacturer: zi yongCHUNG JYE SHOES HOLDINGS LIMITED TAIWAN BRANCH80YRD596.864TaiwanNA
2/2/202439209990VNPU30#&100% TPU non-porous plastic film, size 45cm. 100% new. Publisher: zi yongCHUNG JYE SHOES HOLDINGS LIMITED TAIWAN BRANCH5YRD43.648TaiwanNA

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Yong heng Import Data of Vietnamfrom Taiwan. We collect Yong heng Import Data of Vietnam from Taiwan with product and date. Yong heng ImportData of Vietnam from Taiwan helps to analyze Import price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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