Get Latest Vietnam Wire rim Import Data from Japan

Get latest Customs Import data of Vietnam from Itlay for HS code . Discover valuable information such as Product Name, Price, Value, Unit, Quantity, Importer Port Name, and more shipment details based on invoices, shipping bill and other documents for better market research.

3/31/202458063290NIP015#&Fabric hemming wire 15MM X 50MMN INTER FASHION LTD1500MTR44.1JapanNA
3/31/202440118040Goodyear tire 27.00R49 RT-4A+ 7SL E4 TL for dump trucks mainly used in open pit mining, rim size over 61 cm, maximum speed 50km/h, 100% new, (Including tires and gaskets)GOODYEAR EARTHMOVER PTY LTD36PCE335268JapanNA
3/30/202484798969Automatic solder wire splitter used for soldering components on printed circuit boards: No.374-4 (voltage 100v), manufacturer: Hakko, 100% new productHAKKO CORPORATION2PCE430.244JapanNA
3/30/202456079090N11#&Woven wire that has not been impregnated or coated (POLYSTER material), size 12MM, used in garments, 100% newCAITAC HOLDINGS CORP4MTR5.1036JapanNA
3/30/202474130019Uninsulated copper braided wire used to absorb solder: No.FR150-84 (diameter 2.0mm x 1.5M; 1 piece = 1 roll), manufacturer: Hakko, 100% new productHAKKO CORPORATION500PCE402.1JapanNA
3/30/202474130019-#&Copper braided wire used to absorb solder (size 30M x 2.5 mm) 87-4-30 - 100% new productCONG TY CO PHAN KSMC VIET NAM3PCE108.4926JapanNA
3/30/202473182400Fixed latch bar, made of iron, not threaded, used to fix the electric wire of the chisel shaft, size 1.5x0.5x0.5cm, 100% newKYOSHA COLTD6PCE104.391JapanNA
3/30/202439269099549199-210R#&Plastic cover of wire connector, 100% new. Specification MOLEX 51163-0200TTI ELECTRONICS ASIA PTE LTD40000PCE1248JapanNA
3/30/202485441120MA0000093519#&PVC coated electrical wire KIV(TA)0.75SQ REDIWASAKI ELECTRIC MFGCOLTD2000MTR398JapanNA
3/30/202485167990Heat gun used to weld electrical wire covers: No.883-13 (voltage 100v, capacity 1000w), manufacturer: Hakko, 100% new productHAKKO CORPORATION2PCE95.163JapanNA

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Wire rim Import Data of Vietnamfrom Japan. We collect Wire rim Import Data of Vietnam from Japan with product and date. Wire rim ImportData of Vietnam from Japan helps to analyze Import price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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