Get Latest Vietnam Whey Import Data from Netherland

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3/21/202404041019FOKKAMIX 10 (SWEET WHEY POWER) Sweet Whey powder, used as an ingredient to produce feed for piglets and calves, Manufacturer Nukamel Productions BV 25kg/bag, Manufacturer: 01/2024 Expiry date: 01/2025NUKAMEL BV24000KGM21240NetherlandNA
3/21/202404041019FOKKAMIX 10 - Sweet Whey powder, used as an ingredient to produce feed for piglets and calves, Manufacturer Nukamel Productions BV 25kg/bag, 100% new productNUKAMEL BV48000KGM42571.2NetherlandNA
3/18/202404041019Ingredients used in animal feed: RED TULIP WHEY POWDER (sweet Whey powder, without added sugar or sweeteners) Packaging: 25kg/bag. Manufacturer: NUKAMEL PRODUCTIONS BV 100% New (NKD)HOOGWEGT INTERNATIONAL BV49975KGM36981.5NetherlandNA
3/15/202404041019Raw materials for processing animal feed of animal origin: Whey powder (Protein level: 10%) (25kg/bag)(Whey (Fokkamix 10)Sweet Whey Powder for animals)-Imported according to Circular 21/2019/TT- MARD and section I.1.2 PL with CV 38NUKAMEL BV24550KGM19919.87NetherlandNA
3/12/202404041019Raw materials used to process animal feed: Whey powder - WHEY (FOKKAMIX 10) Sweet whey powder for animals (25kg/bag), Lot: A018017- Expiry date: 11/2024. Imported goods according to section: 1.2 Circular 21/2019/TT-BNNPTNT (November 28, 2019).NUKAMEL BV50000KGM36080NetherlandNA
3/7/202404041019Whey powder from milk, 2 kg x 1 bale. Production: January 25, 24 - Expiry: January 25, 26. Supplier: HOOGWEGT INTERNATIONAL BV Sample products, 100% newHOOGWEGT INTERNATIONAL BV2KGM91.9744NetherlandNA
3/7/202404041019Whey powder from milk, 2 kg x 1 bale. Production: January 25, 24 - Expiry: January 25, 26. Supplier: HOOGWEGT INTERNATIONAL BV Sample products, 100% newHOOGWEGT INTERNATIONAL BV2KGM91.9744NetherlandNA
3/6/202423099012Milk replacement for piglets after 24 hours after birth Denkapig Lacto Start, city: whey powder, buttermilk of animal origin, batch number: 79034687, expiry date: 09.01.2025, packaging 20kg/bag, 1,969EUR/kg , 100% newDENKAVIT NEDERLAND BV7920KGM16742.088NetherlandNA
3/6/202404041019Raw materials used to process animal feed: Whey powder - WHEY (FOKKAMIX 10) Sweet whey powder for animals (25kg/bag), Lot: A018120- Expiry date: 01/2025. Imported goods according to section: 1.2 Circular 21/2019/TT-BNNPTNT (November 28, 2019).NUKAMEL BV50000KGM42865NetherlandNA
3/6/202423099012Milk replacement for piglets after 24 hours after birth Denkapig Lacto Start, city: whey powder, buttermilk of animal origin, batch number: 79034688, expiry date: 09.01.2025, packaging 10kg/bag, 2,034EUR/kg , 100% newDENKAVIT NEDERLAND BV4000KGM8739.2NetherlandNA

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Whey Import Data of Vietnamfrom Netherland. We collect Whey Import Data of Vietnam from Netherland with product and date. Whey ImportData of Vietnam from Netherland helps to analyze Import price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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