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Get latest Customs Import data of Vietnam from Itlay for HS code . Discover valuable information such as Product Name, Price, Value, Unit, Quantity, Importer Port Name, and more shipment details based on invoices, shipping bill and other documents for better market research.

3/30/202482055900500303166#&HV-9500,CLEANING_WIRES,125UM,TUBEOF25, Cleaning wire, made of steel, this part use for cleaning the hole 125 micrometer, function cleaning tube holeINVENTORY MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS COMPANY LIMITED1PCE51.2961USANA
3/30/202482041100Tube head used to remove screws and bolts - steel material, Model: BBT-69.4, size: 45*25mm. Manufacturer: Packtool, no brand, has product label. Non-adjustable bar shape, 100% NewCONG TY TNHH SAN XUAT VA THUONG MAI JENO5PCE296.6275USANA
3/30/202435061000021-1472#&Other made-up goods / Dymax Speedmask 9-20479-B-Rev-A 30cc (Dymax plastic glue used in manufacturing hearing aids, CAS No.2680-03-7(10-24%), 110489-05-9(1-5%)(*),1 pce=1 tube/30ml(~30g), 100% new)DYMAX ASIA PACIFIC PTE LTD20PCE674.21USANA
3/30/2024350610003M brand 4475 glue, volume: 148ml/tube, glue color: transparent, 100% brand newCONG TY TNHH PESO VIET NAM36UNA321.822USANA
3/30/202435061000021-1407#&Adhesive Dymax 1180-M-VT Syr 10ml (Adhesive used to manufacture hearing aid accessories, 1PCE = 1 tube of 10ml, Cas No: 5888-33-5(25-39%), 2680-03-7 (10-24%),7473-98-5(1-<3%),2530-85-0(<1%) (*),100% newDYMAX ASIA PACIFIC PTE LTD20PCE738.13USANA
3/30/2024840991393024261#&Valve clamp on cylinder tube of motorcycle engine 3024261, 100% newSUPPLY TECHNOLOGIES1168PCE11854.8496USANA
3/30/202482041100Tube head used to remove screws and bolts - steel material, Model: BBT-22, size: 33*24mm. Manufacturer: Packtool, no brand, has product label. Non-adjustable bar shape, 100% NewCONG TY TNHH SAN XUAT VA THUONG MAI JENO20PCE609.508USANA
3/30/202435061000RAC35860002#&Electronic component thermal paste GEL37 main ingredient aluminum oxide, 0.93kg/1 tube, nsx Parker, Code RAC35860002-IVIDIV(RAC35860002). 100% NewSERVEONE VIETNAM COMPANY LIMITED159960GRM21898.524USANA
3/30/202434039990-#&Premalube FG lubricating grease tube 420ml, 100% new productCONG TY CO PHAN THUONG MAI HOANG PHAN CHI NHANH THAI NGUYEN2UNA41.3652USANA

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