Get Latest Vietnam Tris nitro Import Data from Japan

Get latest Customs Import data of Vietnam from Itlay for HS code . Discover valuable information such as Product Name, Price, Value, Unit, Quantity, Importer Port Name, and more shipment details based on invoices, shipping bill and other documents for better market research.

3/20/202429336900ZV-000138#&TePIC-SP compound, powder form, ingredients 1,3,5-tris(oxiranylmethyl)-1,3,5-triazine-2,4,6(1H,3H,5H)-trione, , cas2451-62-9, used to fix ink on circuit boards, 100% new.TAIYO INK MFG COLTD810KGM14093.109JapanNA
3/18/20242933690020000953-Tris-(2-Hydroxyethyl)Isocyanurate belongs to group 29.33 H.heterocyclic substance containing only heterocycle(s)...-TRIS-(2-HYDROXYETHYL)ISOCYANURATE THEIC-G(TYPE A)cas code 839-90-7- NPL sxxk 100% newSAKAI TRADING COLTD1000KGM7350JapanNA
3/18/202429319090T003#&Detergent for garments PP40 (including Tris(3-hydroxypropyl)phosphine 36.5~38.5% CAS 4706-17-6, Water 61.5~63.5% CAS 7732-18-5, change the purpose of use From account: 105777262400, 100% new productCRYSTAL SWEATER VIET NAM LIMITED6200KGM91057.54JapanNA
3/12/202429202900SF.014#&Chemical AM-025 (Additive used in foam production, contains: Tris(isotridecyl)phosphite - CAS code 77745-66-5)INOAC INTERNATIONAL CO LTD8500KGM74202.45JapanNA
3/8/202435061000M023#&OP-1020M adhesive (100 grams/bottle) ingredients include (tris(2-hydroxyethylisocyanurate)-tris-3mercaptopro 70-80%, diallyl maleate 20-30%, tris(B-methoxyethoxy)vinylsilane 1.0%>, benzoin ethylether 1.0%>TAMRON COLTD8UNA901.24JapanNA
3/8/202429055900512874#&Preservative (kills bacteria, yeast, mold, repels insects) SANAI BAC SA, ingredient 2-Bromo-2-nitro-1 ,3-propanediol C3H6O4NBR, cas: 52-51-7SAKURA COLOR PRODUCTS CORPORATION20KGM183.7JapanNA
3/7/202435069190VTT00020#&TSE 382C RTV.TP Silicone Sealant: methyl tris-(methyl ethyl ketoximo) silane (22984-54-9): 1.0 - 10%, butanone oxime vinylsilane (2224-33-1): 0.1 - 1.0%, OthersNISSEI ELECTRIC COLTD10KGM382.5JapanNA
3/6/202429202900SF.014#&Chemical AM-025 (Additive used in foam production, contains: Tris(isotridecyl)phosphite - CAS code 77745-66-5)INOAC INTERNATIONAL CO LTD5780KGM50088.324JapanNA
3/6/202438229090Tris buffer solution for ELISA testing (60g/vial):Tris (Trizma@Base from Sigma company, or from Wako company). Manufacturer: Fujifilm Wako Pure Chemical Corporation.NISSEIKEN COLTD1UNA21.2652JapanNA
3/5/202429202900SF.014#&Chemical AM-025 (Additive used in foam production, contains: Tris(isotridecyl)phosphite - CAS code 77745-66-5)INOAC INTERNATIONAL CO LTD2720KGM23570.976JapanNA

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