Get Latest Vietnam Tea plate Import Data from Thailand

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3/30/202485429000M66272-001#&THERMAL PLATE,STIF,METAL,NA,N,SS,24.5MMx49.5MMx0.2MMFUJIKURA AMERICA INC307200PCE43038.72ThailandNA
3/30/202484733090N16730-001#&THERMAL PLATE,STIF,METAL,NA,N,SS,17.5MMx26.5MMx0.2MMFUJIKURA AMERICA INC5830PCE2917.915ThailandNA
3/30/202485429000M40410-001#&THERMAL PLATE, STIF, METAL, NA, N, SS, 24.5mm x 49.5mm x 0.2mmFUJIKURA AMERICA INC1536000PCE201369.6ThailandNA
3/30/202440169999Rubber stopper covers bottom plate hole, prevents dirt with vulcanized rubber, outer diameter 34mm, inner diameter 12mm, height 31mm, code 4PA04470-1B - Components used to produce Daikin air conditionersDAIKIN TRADING THAILAND LTD1000PCE90.2ThailandNA
3/30/202485429000K94882-001#&THERMAL PLATE,STIF,METAL,NA,N,SS,24.5mm X 49.5mm X 0.2mmFUJIKURA AMERICA INC768000PCE106060.8ThailandNA
3/29/202469111000Deep white ceramic plate, size 27cm, MUJI brand, sample product, 100% newQUALITY CERAMIC COLTD2PCE6.8682ThailandNA
3/29/202469111000Green flat ceramic plate -L, size 27cm, brand MUJI, sample, 100% newQUALITY CERAMIC COLTD2PCE17.0334ThailandNA
3/29/202469111000White flat ceramic plate -M, size 21cm, brand MUJI, sample, 100% newQUALITY CERAMIC COLTD2PCE16.484ThailandNA
3/29/202472107019Non-alloy steel plate, flat rolled, tin-plated, painted, thickness <1.5mm, printed with OSEVEN PU SON LOT brand to make 1GL cans, width>600mm, size 0.22mmx846mmx562mm, volume<0.6% according to quantitySAHADHARAWAT CO LTD1596.03KGM3575.1072ThailandNA
3/29/202469111000Deep green oval ceramic plate, size W30cm, MUJI brand, sample product, 100% newQUALITY CERAMIC COLTD2PCE16.484ThailandNA

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Tea plate Import Data of Vietnamfrom Thailand. We collect Tea plate Import Data of Vietnam from Thailand with product and date. Tea plate ImportData of Vietnam from Thailand helps to analyze Import price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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