Get Latest Vietnam Tartaric Import Data from China

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3/29/202429181200DL- TARTARIC ACID MONOHYDRATE INDUSTRIAL GRADE 99.5% Min, A chemical used in plaster production and metal surface treatment, powder form, packed 25kg/bag. New 100%. CAS code: 133-37-9.ANHUI APPLE BIOLOGICAL TECHNOLOGY COLTD9TNE13365ChinaNA
3/29/202429181200DL- TARTARIC ACID ANHYRDROUS INDUSTRIAL GRADE 99.5% Min, A chemical used in plaster production and metal surface treatment, powder form, packed 25kg/bag. New 100%. CAS code: 133-37-9.ANHUI APPLE BIOLOGICAL TECHNOLOGY COLTD1TNE1598ChinaNA
3/18/202438249999Salt compounds of tartaric acid in powder form (Tartaric acid CAS 87-69-4, malic acid CAS 97-67-6, Citric acid CAS 77-92-9), used to stabilize color on metal surfaces, packaged 25kg /bag, 100% newGUANGXI JINCHEN IMPORT AND EXPORT TRADE CO LTD4000KGM10400ChinaNA
3/12/202429181200DL- Tartaric acid, strength enhancing additive - 100% tartaric acid chemical, formula: C4H6O6, CAS: 526-83-0, has anti-oxidation effect on gypsum panels, 100% new.HANGZHOU REGIN BIOTECH CO LTD25KGM40.13ChinaNA
3/12/202429181200Food additive (Tartaric acid used in food: DL-TARTARIC ACID ANHYDROUS BP2013). New 100%ANHUI APPLE BIOLOGICAL TECHNOLOGY COLTD10TNE20030ChinaNA
3/8/202429181300TARTARIC ACID ANHYDROUS, chemical formula: HOOC(CHOH)1COOH, CAS code: 133-37-9, chemical used to produce plaster to treat metal surfaces, 100% newUNILOSA PTELTD4000KGM6480ChinaNA
3/8/202429181200TARTARIC ACID MONOHYDRATE, chemical formula: HOOC(CHOH)2COOH, CAS code: 133-37-9, chemical used to produce plaster to treat metal surfaces, 100% newUNILOSA PTELTD10000KGM14900ChinaNA
3/5/202438249970PGTP: Emulsifier DATEM 1226L (Diacetyl Tartaric Acid Esters of Mono and Diglycerides 1226L). Producer;Henan Zhengtong Food Technoogy Co.,Ltd. Specification: 25kg/carton. Manufacturer: January 2024, Expiry date: January 2025. New 100%.HENAN ZHENGTONG FOOD TECHNOLOGY CO LTD13700KGM38291.5ChinaNA
2/29/202429181200DL- Tartaric acid, strength enhancing additive - 99.5% tartaric acid chemical, formula: C4H6O6, CAS: 526-83-0, has anti-oxidation effect on gypsum panels, 100% newCHANGMAO BIOCHEMICAL ENGINEERING COMPANY LIMITED1000KGM2050ChinaNA
2/28/202429181200DL- Tartaric acid, strength enhancing additive - 99.5% tartaric acid chemical, formula: C4H6O6, has anti-oxidation effect on plasterboard, 100% newCHANGMAO BIOCHEMICAL ENGINEERING COMPANY LIMITED1000KGM2050ChinaNA

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Tartaric Import Data of Vietnamfrom China. We collect Tartaric Import Data of Vietnam from China with product and date. Tartaric ImportData of Vietnam from China helps to analyze Import price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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