Get Latest Vietnam Stingray Import Data from Vietnam

Get latest Customs Import data of Vietnam from Itlay for HS code . Discover valuable information such as Product Name, Price, Value, Unit, Quantity, Importer Port Name, and more shipment details based on invoices, shipping bill and other documents for better market research.

3/29/2024420231003-L1005/24#&TANTED STRAIGHT LEATHER WALLET, Stingray leather, Maculabatis Gerrardi (NON-BRANDED PRODUCTS), Price CM=18USD Goods are not in the Cites category, 100% new#&VNKAFUNA COMPANY LIMITED100PCE3054VIETNAMNA
3/29/2024420231003-L1002/24#&TANTED STRAIGHT LEATHER WALLET, Stingray leather, Maculabatis Gerrardi (NON-BRANDED PRODUCTS), Price CM=25USD Goods not in the Citation category, 100% new#&VNKAFUNA COMPANY LIMITED100PCE4609VIETNAMNA
3/29/2024420231003-L1004/24#&TANTED STRAIGHT LEATHER WALLET, Stingray leather, Maculabatis Gerrardi (NON-BRANDED PRODUCTS), Price CM=22USD Goods not in the Cites category, 100% new#&VNKAFUNA COMPANY LIMITED100PCE4530VIETNAMNA
3/27/202458089090H50987815#&Woven rope, color STINGRAY MAUVE (F24, 1/2" RNYLON PLAIN S4363 AC WEBB NYL KOOK), 100% newKOOK IL TEXTILE CO LTD SHIPPER CONG TY TNHH MTV KOOKIL DYEING VN150MTR11.4VietnamNA
3/27/202458089090H50987815#&Woven rope, color STINGRAY MAUVE (F24, 1/2" RNYLON PLAIN S4363 AC WEBB NYL KOOK), 100% newKOOK IL TEXTILE CO LTD SHIPPER CONG TY TNHH MTV KOOKIL DYEING VN300MTR22.8VietnamNA
3/27/202403055990Dried Stingray; (scientific name: DASYATIS SPP) Packing: 15kg/carton, 100% new product#&VNONE MEMBER LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY THINH MINH HIEN3600KGM6480VIETNAMNA
3/26/202403055990Dried Stingray; (scientific name: DASYATIS SPP); Packing: 15kg/carton, 100% new #&VNONE MEMBER LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY THINH MINH HIEN1680KGM3024VIETNAMNA
3/26/202495030060Stuffed animal SQUEAKER COVER DOG TOY - STINGRAY, 100% new#&VNNhuan Thien Stuffed Animals Company Limited3600PCE3708VIETNAMNA
3/26/202403055990Dried Stingray; (scientific name: DASYATIS SPP) Packing: 15kg/carton, 100% new product #&VNONE MEMBER LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY THINH MINH HIEN900KGM1620VIETNAMNA
3/18/202416041990SPICED DRIED Stingray Fish (10KG/CARTON) #&VNDong Tien Company Limited500KGM7770.85VIETNAMNA

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Stingray Import Data of Vietnamfrom Vietnam. We collect Stingray Import Data of Vietnam from Vietnam with product and date. Stingray ImportData of Vietnam from Vietnam helps to analyze Import price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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