Get Latest Vietnam Steel fuel Import Data from Thailand

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3/31/202484501190Toshiba washing machine model: AW-M1000FV (MK). Voltage 220-240VAC, 450W capacity, 9kg type (01 drawer, vertical drum, no hot water line & drying function, stainless steel drum, automatic control dynamic). 100% new.TOSHIBA CONSUMER PRODUCTS THAILAND COLTD147PCE20933.388ThailandNA
3/31/202484501190Toshiba washing machine model:TW-BK105S3V(SK),(220 - 240) V,~50 Hz, 2000 W, 9.5 kg (01 drawer, front door (horizontal cage), no hot water line, no drying, drum Stainless steel washing machine, automatic control, 1200v/p, inverter. 100% new.TOSHIBA CONSUMER PRODUCTS THAILAND COLTD153PCE29698.677ThailandNA
3/31/202484501190Toshiba washing machine model:TW-T21BU105UWV(MG),(220 - 240) V,~50 Hz, 1950 W, 9.5 kg (01 drawer, front door (horizontal cage), no hot water line, no drying, Stainless steel washing drum, automatic control), with WIFI. 100% new.TOSHIBA CONSUMER PRODUCTS THAILAND COLTD459PCE81406.404ThailandNA
3/31/202484501190Toshiba washing machine model:TW-T21BU110UWV(MG),(220 - 240) V,~50 Hz, 1950 W, 10 kg (01 drawer, front door (horizontal drum), no hot water line, no drying, washing drum stainless steel, automatic control), with WIFI. 100% new.TOSHIBA CONSUMER PRODUCTS THAILAND COLTD153PCE27135.468ThailandNA
3/30/202483024999Steel component rack, size: 149 x 225 x 73 cm. Used goodsDAIKIN TRADING THAILAND LTD38PCE7429.38ThailandNA
3/30/202472051000Growell spherical steel beads, code S-390. New 100%GROWELL ABRASIVES THAILAND COLTD12TNE9960ThailandNA
3/30/202473239390LHI2#&Stainless steel pan handle for 24cm pansYUAN LIN THAILAND COLTD60PCE256.842ThailandNA
3/30/202473269099Fan protective cover, inside the air conditioner, made of steel 279.5mm long, code 2P471227-1 - Components used to produce DAIKIN air conditioners. New 100%DAIKIN TRADING THAILAND LTD2500PCE1052.75ThailandNA
3/30/202473102111Empty can, size 202/200x308, 3 pieces, printed with "Seacrown" EOE brand, steel material, tin coated. Capacity 170ml, sealed by folding, diameter = 5.40 cm. 80pallets. 1 pallet = 10,500 piecesPOONSUB CAN CO LTD840000PCE57456ThailandNA
3/30/202473269099Shaped steel bar used to clamp the air intake of the indoor unit, carbon steel, diameter 4mm, length 211.5mm, code 3P377926-1A - Components used to produce Daikin air conditionersDAIKIN TRADING THAILAND LTD100PCE18.05ThailandNA

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Steel fuel Import Data of Vietnamfrom Thailand. We collect Steel fuel Import Data of Vietnam from Thailand with product and date. Steel fuel ImportData of Vietnam from Thailand helps to analyze Import price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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