Get Latest Vietnam Seatbelt Import Data from China

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8/7/2023871500002-3 wheeled scooter for children from 1-5 years old (needs someone to push), brand Micro - Micro Trike Deluxe Pink(With Seatbelt) TR0004, 100% newMICRO MOBILITY SYSTEMS LIMITED28Pieces949.2ChinaCANG CAT LAI (HCM)
7/24/202387082920(MS: CK5814102V1) Right first row seatbelt for Van trucks, 5 seats, DAM16KR petrol unit, capacity 1600cc, CDCS 2930mm, TTL with load up to 5 tons. 100% new,sx2023ENVOL TECH INTERNATIONAL HK LIMITED60Pieces60ChinaCANG CHU LAI
7/10/202387082920(MS: CK5814102V1) Right first row seatbelt for Van trucks, 5 seats, DAM16KR petrol unit, capacity 1600cc, CDCS 2930mm, TTL with load up to 5 tons. 100% new,sx2023ENVOL TECH INTERNATIONAL HK LIMITED60Pieces60ChinaCANG CHU LAI
7/1/202363079069Seatbelt. Specification 25.4mm*200mm, unbranded, used in construction, 100% NewSHENZHEN ZHEHONG TECHNOLOGY COLTD200Pieces14.8ChinaHO CHI MINH
6/22/202387082920(MS: CK5814102V1) Right front row seatbelt for Van trucks, 5 seats, DAM16KR gasoline engine, 1600CC capacity, CDCS 3135mm, TTL with load up to 5 tons. 100% new, sx2023ENVOL TECH INTERNATIONAL HK LIMITED60Pieces60ChinaCANG CHU LAI
5/18/202387082920(MS: CK5814 102V1) Right first row seatbelt for Van trucks, 2 seats, DAM16KR petrol, 1600cc capacity, 2930mm wheelbase, TTL with load up to 5 tons. 100% new,sx2023ENVOL TECH INTERNATIONAL HK LIMITED60Pieces300ChinaCANG CHU LAI
5/9/202387082920(MS: CK5814 102V1) Right first row seatbelt for Van trucks, 2 seats, DAM16KR petrol unit, capacity 1600cc, wheelbase 3135mm, TTL with load up to 5 tons. 100% brand new, SX2023ENVOL TECH INTERNATIONAL HK LIMITED60Pieces300ChinaCANG CHU LAI
5/4/202387082920(MS: CK5814 102V1) Right first row seatbelt for Van trucks, 2 seats, DAM16KR petrol unit, capacity 1600cc, wheelbase 3135mm, TTL with load up to 5 tons. 100% brand new, SX2023ENVOL TECH INTERNATIONAL HK LIMITED60Pieces300ChinaCANG CHU LAI

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Seatbelt Import Data of Vietnamfrom China. We collect Seatbelt Import Data of Vietnam from China with product and date. Seatbelt ImportData of Vietnam from China helps to analyze Import price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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