Get Latest Vietnam Rack beams Import Data from Germany

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3/30/202439269099Plastic sample rack 0301-0350 for cobas c503; box of 50 pieces - STD-RACK 0301-0350 (11903063001), 100% newROCHE DIAGNOSTICS INTERNATIONAL LTD1UNK467.042GermanyNA
3/30/202439269099Plastic base used to hold the test sample tray; Box of 1 - RACK HOLDER FOR PVT PLASTIC RACK 50POS. (06568173001), 100% new productROCHE DIAGNOSTICS INTERNATIONAL LTD2UNK63.072GermanyNA
3/29/202439269039Plastic sample rack on medical cobas 8100 system, box of 50 pieces - cobas 8100 Rack 2600-2649 (07486421001)(220002029/PCBA-HCM)ROCHE DIAGNOSTICS INTERNATIONAL LTD1UNK556.29GermanyNA
3/29/202439269039Plastic sample rack on medical cobas 8100 system, box of 50 pieces-cobas 8100 Rack 2650-2699(07486430001)(220002029/PCBA-HCM)ROCHE DIAGNOSTICS INTERNATIONAL LTD1UNK556.29GermanyNA
3/28/202485369099(A9XPH512B/A9XPH512) Acti9 100A comb rack, for connecting circuit breakers in electrical cabinets, for industrial use, Schneider Electric brand, 100% newSCHNEIDER ELECTRIC INDUSTRIES SAS10PCE105.48GermanyNA
3/26/202485177999Signal relay device parts: 19 inch Rack installation kit, P/N: L30251-U600-A82, UNIFY brand, 100% newUNIFY SOFTWARE AND SOLUTIONS GMBH and CO KG2PCE30.6466GermanyNA
3/26/202483025000Steel shaft lifting rack for lifting and lowering shafts when maintaining processing machines (milling, turning) Shaft lifting EA993DC-12BNIPPON EXPRESS COLTD2PCE719.91GermanyNA
3/25/202473269099Rittal partition panels are used to install into rack cabinets, dimensions: H2000*D800mm, made of steel. Manufactured 2023. 100% new; 2FSN-NB0288; HFJIT-1078CONG TY TNHH CONG NGHE ECOLIV10SET2763.1GermanyNA
3/22/202439269039Plastic sample rack used on medical urine analyzer, Box of 50 - RD STANDARD RACK 0001-0050 (11902997001)(220001231/PCBA-HCM)ROCHE DIAGNOSTICS INTERNATIONAL LTD17UNK7965.605GermanyNA
3/22/202483024999Iron rack for sample storage, box of 1 - HOLDER F.ARCHIVETRAY USA125POS (03007880001), 100% newROCHE DIAGNOSTICS INTERNATIONAL LTD2UNK461.598GermanyNA

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Rack beams Import Data of Vietnamfrom Germany. We collect Rack beams Import Data of Vietnam from Germany with product and date. Rack beams ImportData of Vietnam from Germany helps to analyze Import price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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