Get Latest Vietnam Plc board Import Data from China

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3/31/202484798969Device for attaching a fixed circuit board to a protective case (Protective case loading device), Model: E-GD-220003G, CS: 2.2KW, DA: 220V, Manufacturer: 2022, HSX: GUANGDONG TOPSTAR TECHNOLOGY CO LTD, DQSD, 1FSHO30057 ,HFJSM-8305SHENZHEN FUTAIHONG PRECISION INDUSTRIAL CO LTD1PCE12952.9ChinaNA
3/31/202468091100TS20-312TCNK#&Gypsum board inside the door, size 312*1174*15mm, 100% new / Inside door cover, gypsum board, 15*312*1174mmTRI STAR INC436PCE444.72ChinaNA
3/31/202468091100TS20-384TCNK#&Gypsum board inside the door, size 384mm*1250mm*15mm, 100% new / Inside door gypsum board 384*1250*15mmTRI STAR INC436PCE2406.72ChinaNA
3/31/202468091100TS20-150KTDNK#& Upper and lower door frame plasterboard, size 355*53*15mm, 100% new / Door frame,gypsum board, upper and bottom,355*53*15mmTRI STAR INC872PCE78.48ChinaNA
3/31/202439211200PVC board (PVC foam board, non-self-adhesive, not printed with images or letters), used as advertising material. Size: 120*240cm+/-10%. 100% new.PINGXIANG CITY LONGWEI IMPORT AND EXPORT CO LTD1980KGM2970ChinaNA
3/31/202468091100TS20-150KTDNK#&Gypsum board for upper and lower door frame, size 355*53*15mm, 100% new / Door frame,gypsum board, upper and bottom,355*53*15mmTRI STAR INC873PCE122.22ChinaNA
3/31/202484289090Robotic arm automatically picks up and drops circuit boards (Board test automated arm 7), Model: E-GD-220007G, capacity: 2.2KW, DATA: 220V, Manufacturer: 2022, HSX: GUANGDONG TOPSTAR TECHNOLOGY CO LTD, DQSD, 1FSHO30059,HFJSM-8309SHENZHEN FUTAIHONG PRECISION INDUSTRIAL CO LTD1PCE83606.6ChinaNA
3/31/202485371013(532.84.843)-2000 W induction cooker display board with signal cable,-DISPLAY BOARD FOR 536.61.716, Hafele brand, FOC product - 100% newHAFELE ENGINEERING ASIA LTD30PCE234.363ChinaNA
3/31/202485423900NL45#&IC (integrated circuit) mounted on the circuit board, 100% new, code 0605-B00012ACONG TY TNHH BHFLEX VINA200000PCE596800ChinaNA

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Plc board Import Data of Vietnamfrom China. We collect Plc board Import Data of Vietnam from China with product and date. Plc board ImportData of Vietnam from China helps to analyze Import price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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