Get Latest Vietnam Play ball Import Data from China

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3/31/202484818071.#&Double ball valve, PVC material, dimensions: length*height*width*diameter: 112*45*68.5*15(mm), used to connect pipes for pure water treatment systems. 100% NewGUANGDONG JIANGCHUAN DISTRICT ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY CO LTD2PCE12ChinaNA
3/31/202483062990Souvenirs of victory in sports: Cup shaped awards (ball, shoes, gloves), iron body, plastic base, no use (battery, electricity), Dimensions: (15-20)cm ( +/-10%), symbol: AP0526-257, 100% newPINGXIANG HUASHAO IMPORT AND EXPORT TRADE CO LTD3880KGM4656ChinaNA
3/31/2024170490913D BURSTING BALL soft candy in the shape of watermelon, Bang Phu brand (soft, contains gelatin, no cocoa) Packaging: 10gx60 pieces/box x12 boxes/carton. Production: March 2024. Expiration: 12 months. Producer: YIWU DAQIAN FOOD CO., LTD. 100% NewHEKOU JINHAO TRADING COLTD1512KGM4082.4ChinaNA
3/31/202484798969Badminton ball shooting machine, brand: Siboasi, capacity: 300W/100-240V/50-60HZ, (fixed type, detachable item) 100% new.GUANGXI PINGXIANG JUNCAI IMPORT AND EXPORT TRADE CO LTD1PCE30ChinaNA
3/31/202484829100Iron ball 3.97, KT: fi 3.97mm, used to install on CNC machine bearings, 100% newGUANGXI PINGXIANG XIANKUN IMPORTandEXPORT TRADE COLTD10000UNV1450ChinaNA
3/31/202440021990210CSTH0079#&Synthetic Rubber SBR in ball form. (Synthetic Rubber SBR 1721).POLYBUS CORPORATION PTE LTD40320KGM64512ChinaNA
3/31/2024170490913D BURSTING BALL soft candy shaped like Spiderman, Ben Phu brand (soft, contains gelatin, no cocoa) Packaging: 10gx60 pieces/box x12 boxes/carton. Production: March 2024, Expiry date: 12 months. Producer: YIWU DAQIAN FOOD CO., LTD. 100% NewHEKOU JINHAO TRADING COLTD864KGM2332.8ChinaNA
3/31/2024170490913D BURSTING BALL strawberry-shaped soft candy, Ben Phu brand (soft, contains gelatin, no cocoa). Packaging: 10gx60 pieces/box x12 boxes/carton. Production: March 2024, Expiry date: 12 months. Manufacturer: YIWU DAQIAN FOOD CO., LTD. 100% NewHEKOU JINHAO TRADING COLTD1296KGM3499.2ChinaNA
3/31/2024170490913D BURSTING BALL soft candy shaped like fried eggs, Bang Phu brand (soft, contains gelatin, no cocoa). Packaging: 10gx60 pieces/box x 12 boxes/carton. Production: March 2024, Expiry date: 12 months. Producer: YIWU DAQIAN FOOD CO., LTD. 100% NewHEKOU JINHAO TRADING COLTD864KGM2332.8ChinaNA
3/31/202484821000Ball bearing 324; Inner diameter (d): 120 mm; Outer diameter (D): 260 mm; Producer: Xian Guorong Heavy Machinery Co., Ltd; Material is steel; 100% new.GUANGXI PINGXIANG HUAYUAN IMPORT AND EXPORT TRADE COLTD1PCE534.098ChinaNA

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Play ball Import Data of Vietnamfrom China. We collect Play ball Import Data of Vietnam from China with product and date. Play ball ImportData of Vietnam from China helps to analyze Import price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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