Get Latest Vietnam Pla straw Import Data from Germany

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3/27/202482083000Spare parts for milk processing and pouring machines: Packaging cutting blade, made of stainless steel, installed on Knife straw machine; 3490718-0000; Manufacturer: TKM Meyer GmbH. New 100%TETRA PAK TRADING SHANGHAI CO LTD1PCE112.33GermanyNA
3/27/202482083000Spare parts for milk processing and pouring machines: Packaging cutting blade, made of stainless steel, installed on SA30 Knife straw machine; 1517289-0000; Manufacturer: TKM Meyer GmbH. New 100%TETRA PAK TRADING SHANGHAI CO LTD10PCE233.242GermanyNA
3/27/202484198919Minithaw frozen straw semen defrosting device, ref code 17048/000, voltage 12V, Minitube brand, 100% new. (FOC goods, Free of Charge)MINITUB GMBH1PCE147.592GermanyNA
3/26/202473182100PLA#& Spring washer, metal material 12/6.2 x 0.55, 100% newGTR INTERNATIONAL GMBH40200PCE5628GermanyNA
3/25/202490189090Surgical instruments, tubes/suction tips. De Bakey straw, 270mm long, 9mm diameter, used for 6- l0mm diameter straws (precode 04.154.27). Code: 06-07-946. HSX: REBSTOCK INSTRUMENTS GMBH. 100% NewREBSTOCK INSTRUMENTS GMBH1PCE50.3883GermanyNA
3/25/202482083000Spare parts for milk processing and pouring machines: Packaging cutting blade, made of stainless steel, installed on SA30 Knife straw machine; 1517289-0000; Manufacturer: TKM Meyer GmbH. New 100%TETRA PAK TRADING SHANGHAI CO LTD8PCE188.2176GermanyNA
3/21/202482083000Spare parts for milk processing and pouring machines: Packaging cutting blade, made of stainless steel, installed on SA30 Knife straw machine; 1517289-0000; Manufacturer: TKM Meyer GmbH. New 100%TETRA PAK TRADING SHANGHAI CO LTD10PCE233.843GermanyNA
3/21/202482083000Spare parts for milk processing and pouring machines: Packaging cutting blade, made of stainless steel, installed on Knife straw machine; 3490718-0000; Manufacturer: TKM Meyer GmbH. New 100%TETRA PAK TRADING SHANGHAI CO LTD2PCE224.69GermanyNA
3/21/202482083000Spare parts for milk processing and pouring machines: Packaging cutting blade, made of stainless steel, installed on SA30 Knife straw machine; 1517289-0000; Manufacturer: TKM Meyer GmbH. New 100%TETRA PAK TRADING SHANGHAI CO LTD10PCE233.843GermanyNA
3/21/202482083000Spare parts for milk processing and pouring machines: Packaging cutting blade, made of stainless steel, installed on SA30 Knife straw machine; 1517289-0000; Manufacturer: TKM Meyer GmbH. New 100%TETRA PAK TRADING SHANGHAI CO LTD10PCE233.843GermanyNA

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Pla straw Import Data of Vietnamfrom Germany. We collect Pla straw Import Data of Vietnam from Germany with product and date. Pla straw ImportData of Vietnam from Germany helps to analyze Import price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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