Get Latest Vietnam Perylene Import Data from Germany

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2/21/202438229090Pure standard for molecular biology testing: Benzo[g,h,i]perylene, code: DRE-C20630000, CAS code: 191-24-2, 10mg/vial, used in laboratories, manufacturer: LGC Standards GmbH, 100% newLGC STANDARDS GMBH1UNA36.3467GermanyNA
11/27/202338229090Pure standard for molecular biology testing: Benzo[g,h,i]perylene, code: DRE-C20630000, CAS code: 191-24-2, 10 mg/vial, used in laboratories, manufacturer: LGC GmBH, 100% newLGC STANDARDS GMBH1Bottle/Bottle/Tube36.19847GermanyNA
11/27/202338229090Pure standard for molecular biology testing: Perylene D12, code: DRE-C20915100, CAS code: 1520-96-3,100 mg/vial, used in laboratories, manufacturer: LGC GmBH, 100% newLGC STANDARDS GMBH1Bottle/Bottle/Tube137.36029GermanyNA
11/17/202332064911Inorganic colorants from cadmium compounds or hexacyanoferrates, liquid form, used for textiles BEZAPRINT CARMINE CC-E (Perylene pigment 40-45%, dispersing agent 6 - 10%,) 1 kg/pk, label: CHT - New 100 %CHT SWITZERLAND AG1Kilograms60.66GermanyNA
11/15/202332041710Synthetic organic pigment used in the plastic industry: Paliogen Red K 3911 (perylene pigment; CI Pigment Red 178; 10 Kg/bag), 100% new productHEXACHEM M SDN BHD20Kilograms3140GermanyNA
8/28/202329029090Chemicals used in laboratories as analytes to check for toxic residues in food samples Benzo[g,h,i]perylene CAS 191-24-2 Item code DRE-C20630000,10mg/bottle, 100% brand newLGC STANDARDS GMBH1Bottle/Bottle/Tube36.60582GermanyNA
8/14/202338229090Pure standard for molecular biology testing: Benzo[g,h,i]perylene, code: DRE-C20630000, CAS code: 191-24-2, 10mg/vial, used in laboratories, manufacturer: LGC Standards GmbH, 100% newLGC STANDARDS GMBH1Bottle/Bottle/Tube36.59614GermanyNA
8/14/202338229090Molecular biological test purity standard: Perylene, code: DRE-C20915000, CAS code: 198-55-0, 10mg/vial, laboratory use, nsx: LGC Standards GmbH, 100% newLGC STANDARDS GMBH1Bottle/Bottle/Tube33.11079GermanyNA
7/3/202338229090Molecular biological test purity standard:Benzo[g,h,i]perylene, code: DRE-C20630000, CAS code: 191-24-2, 10mg/vial, for laboratory use, nsx:LGC Standards GmbH, 100% newLGC STANDARDS GMBH1Bottle/Bottle/Tube36.19284GermanyNA
6/1/202329051900Laboratory chemicals DRE-C20915100-100MG, Perylene D12 CTPT C20H12, CAS 1520-96-3 used as analytical standards for active ingredients in food samples.100% brand newLGC STANDARDS GMBH1Bottle/Bottle/Tube157.7795GermanyNA

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Perylene Import Data of Vietnamfrom Germany. We collect Perylene Import Data of Vietnam from Germany with product and date. Perylene ImportData of Vietnam from Germany helps to analyze Import price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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