Get Latest Vietnam Oxygen can Import Data from Germany

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3/30/202484433239Laser printer (prints production date and expiry date) on DOMINO D320i Industrial packaging (can be connected to a computer) 100% new, synchronous accessories according to the attached detailed table:HYC INC1SET22723.3GermanyNA
3/30/202429051100Methanol CH3OH is used to clean metal surfaces before plating (Tp: Methanol 99-100%) (16Kg/Can). 100% new item#&DECONG TY TNHH PL TECH32KGM30.5568GermanyNA
3/30/202485235199Dongle is used to store information to provide data for the lithotripsy device so users can operate and repair the machine 25 times. Code:K2016693, Brand:Dornier MedTech/Germany. Year of manufacture: 2023. New 100%.DORNIER MEDTECH ASIA PTE LTD1UNIT457.164GermanyNA
3/29/202484821000Ball bearing, inner diameter 25mm, used for aluminum can shaper, P/N: 25131925, 100% newCARNAUDMETALBOX ENGINEERING LIMITED18PCE319.0734GermanyNA
3/29/202473269099Ball valve core for oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen analyzer (Eltra ONH-p), used in laboratories, 100% new, German company Eltra. Made of stainless steelMAXLAB TECHNOLOGY M SDNBHD2PCE79.0244GermanyNA
3/29/202428255000Copper oxide II 100g/bottle for Eltra ONH-p oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen analyzer for laboratory use, code 90289. 100% new product, Eltra brand.MAXLAB TECHNOLOGY M SDNBHD3UNA800.121GermanyNA
3/29/202428152000BECHEM Additive OH- PH increasing agent for industrial lubricating oils (10 kg/can). New 100%CARL BECHEM GMBH100KGM333.26GermanyNA
3/29/202438229090Hydrogen standard for steel samples, concentration 1.5-4 ppm H, 100 tablets/box, 1g/tablet for oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen analyzer (Eltra ONH-p), for laboratory use, code 91400- 1002, 100% new, Eltra brand.MAXLAB TECHNOLOGY M SDNBHD8UNA2054.632GermanyNA
3/29/202438229090Oxygen, Nitrogen standard for steel samples, concentration 34 ppm O, 69ppmN, 100g for oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen analyzer (Eltra ONH-p), used in laboratories, code 91100-1002, 100 new %, Eltra companyMAXLAB TECHNOLOGY M SDNBHD9UNA1422.441GermanyNA
3/29/202484821000Jacket of ball valve for oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen analyzer (Eltra ONH-p), used in laboratories, 100% new, German company Eltra. By plasticMAXLAB TECHNOLOGY M SDNBHD4PCE474.148GermanyNA

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Oxygen can Import Data of Vietnamfrom Germany. We collect Oxygen can Import Data of Vietnam from Germany with product and date. Oxygen can ImportData of Vietnam from Germany helps to analyze Import price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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