3/25/2024 | 73269099 | TS-240800-01#&Plastic product mold core RR2X PANEL FRONT LHD RHD SPRAY JIG UP, steel material, size 360x240x40mm, 100% new product | CONG TY TNHH DOWON | 1 | PCE | 1625.36 | Vietnam | NA |
3/25/2024 | 73269099 | TS-240800-02#&Plastic mold core RR2X PANEL FRONT LHD RHD SPAY JIG, steel material, size 360x240x40mm, 100% new product | CONG TY TNHH DOWON | 1 | PCE | 1828.53 | Vietnam | NA |
3/25/2024 | 73269099 | Plastic product mold core RR2X PANEL FRONT LHD RHD SPAY JIG, steel material, size 360x240x40mm, 100% new #&VN | DOWON COMPANY LIMITED | 1 | PCE | 1828.525 | VIETNAM | NA |
3/25/2024 | 73269099 | Plastic product mold core RR2X PANEL FRONT LHD RHD SPRAY JIG UP, steel material, size 360x240x40mm, 100% new #&VN | DOWON COMPANY LIMITED | 1 | PCE | 1625.3555 | VIETNAM | NA |
3/11/2024 | 73269099 | .#&M-28 insert bar SJD22138 MV1 FRAME LCD LHD, made of steel, used for installation in molds. 100% new, SVRM24011801 | CONG TY TNHH SEUNG WOO VINA | 9 | PCE | 1916.019 | Vietnam | NA |
3/11/2024 | 73269099 | .#&MV1 FRAME LHD #2 insert bar, made of steel, used for installation in molds. 100% new, SVRM24012703 | CONG TY TNHH SEUNG WOO VINA | 30 | PCE | 2445.984 | Vietnam | NA |
2/20/2024 | 73269099 | E301193#&Steel safety lever components used for car hood latches, CLAW,LHD,11242-00800, 100% new | PHA COLTD | 4200 | PCE | 661.08 | South Korea | NA |
1/18/2024 | 73269099 | Steel tire mold cover (mold container) used to protect the mold, specification 11R22.5 ARMORSTEEL LHD 2 VH118823 PC mold no CA-H380-A- 327 , Manufacturer: Himile, no brand, Set=pce, new 100% | GOODYEAR INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION | 1 | Set | 1420 | Thailand | CANG CAT LAI (HCM) |
1/18/2024 | 73269099 | Steel tire mold cover (mold container) used to protect the mold, specification 11R22.5 ARMORSTEEL LHD 2 VH118823 PC mold no CA-H380-A- 323, Manufacturer: Himile, no brand, Set=pce, new 100% | GOODYEAR INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION | 1 | Set | 1420 | Thailand | CANG CAT LAI (HCM) |
1/18/2024 | 73269099 | 5-01-003-121#&Latch groove processing jig -JIG 4-2008 LHD. Made of steel. | TOWA JAPAN CORPORATION | 2 | Pieces | 137.68 | Japan | CANG CAT LAI (HCM) |