Get Latest Vietnam K2so4 Import Data from Japan

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3/19/202438249999Slag forming agent in aluminum furnace (precipitates dirt and impurities in molten aluminum), N408H, 10kg/package, ingredients include KCL, K2SO4, K3AlF6, K2CO3. New 100%ENKEI CORPORATION3000KGM6178.5JapanNA
2/20/202428332990PTA15S02#&Analytical solution A-15-S02: Potassium sulfate 89% K2SO4 (cas 7778-80-5)TOYODA GIKEN COLTD1KGM68.9089JapanNA
2/19/202438229090Color reagent A-08-S06 NICKEL SULFATE B (POWDER) (50TIMES/vial) contains Murexide <=1% (C8H8N6O6) and Potassium Sulfate with formula K2SO4, 100% newSERTIM COLTD4PCE123.4124JapanNA
2/5/202438229090Color reagent A-08-S06 NICKEL SULFATE B (POWDER) (50TIMES/vial) contains Murexide <=1% (C8H8N6O6) and Potassium Sulfate with formula K2SO4, 100% newCOSMO TRADING CO LTD4PCE114.322JapanNA
2/3/202438221900A0100049#&MX chemical mixture, including C8H4N5O6, K2SO4MITSUI and CO PLASTICS LTD50GRM57JapanNA
1/19/202434029019Glass cleaning liquid for cylindrical cutting machines (ingredients: potassium disulfide (K2SO4), deionized water (H2O)) CEL204, 100% NewSUMITOMO WIRING SYSTEMS LTD3Pieces76.2486JapanNA
1/16/202438249999Slag forming agent in aluminum furnace (precipitates dirt and impurities in molten aluminum), N408H, 10kg/package, ingredients include KCL, K2SO4, K3AlF6, K2CO3. New 100%ENKEI CORPORATION2000Kilograms3612.62JapanNA
1/16/202438249999Slag forming agent in aluminum furnace (precipitates dirt and impurities in molten aluminum), N408H, 10kg/package, ingredients include KCL, K2SO4, K3AlF6, K2CO3. New 100%ENKEI CORPORATION1000Kilograms1806.31JapanNA
1/4/2024283329903#&CM-00192: Chemical for analyzing copper concentration of Potassium sulfate circuit board corrosion tank (C8H4N5O6.NH4:< 1%, K2SO4:> 99%, 25grams/bottle)SUMITOMO SHOJI CHEMICALS COLTD80Bottle/Bottle/Tube1653.8592JapanNA
1/3/202438249999Slag forming agent in aluminum furnace (precipitates dirt and impurities in molten aluminum), N408H, 10kg/package, ingredients include KCL, K2SO4, K3AlF6, K2CO3. New 100%ENKEI CORPORATION1000Kilograms1849.78JapanNA

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest K2so4 Import Data of Vietnamfrom Japan. We collect K2so4 Import Data of Vietnam from Japan with product and date. K2so4 ImportData of Vietnam from Japan helps to analyze Import price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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