Get Latest Vietnam Glycolic Import Data from Japan

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3/28/202438101000CM-00006#&Acid Cleaner TM 1022-B solution contains water 70-80%, Glycolic Acid 10-20%, Phosphoric Acid Derivative 1-10%, Organic Salt 1-5%, Nonionic surfactant 1-5%ROHM AND HAAS ELECTRONIC MATERIALS ASIA LTD3840LTR24076.8JapanNA
3/25/202438101000Acid cleaner (TM) 1022 B 20L Plastic Drum#&Acid Cleaner TM 1022-B solution contains 70-80% water; Glycolic acid 10-20%; phosphonic acid derivative 1-10%; Organic Salt 1-5%; Nonionic surfactant 1-5%ROHM AND HAAS ELECTRONIC MATERIALS ASIA LTD400LTR2481.12JapanNA
3/25/202434029019Liquid 6L129 metal surface cleaner, (TP: Phosphoric acid-H3PO4: 60-70%, Glycolic acid-C2H4O3: 1-10%, Aliphatic alcohol compound: 10-20%), 25kg/can, 100% new %TOKEN CO LTD75KGM600JapanNA
3/20/202438101000CM-00006#&Acid Cleaner TM 1022-B solution contains water 70-80%, Glycolic Acid 10-20%, Phosphoric Acid Derivative 1-10%, Organic Salt 1-5%, Nonionic surfactant 1-5%ROHM AND HAAS ELECTRONIC MATERIALS ASIA LTD640LTR4096JapanNA
3/16/202438101000Acid Cleaner TM 1022-B solution contains 70-80% water; Glycolic acid 10-20%; phosphonic acid derivative 1-10%; Organic Salt 1-5%; Nonionic surfactant 1-5% used in electronics industry, 100% newROHM AND HAAS ELECTRONIC MATERIALS SINGAPORE PTE LTD3340LTR17367.666JapanNA
3/15/202438109000ALM-1022-B#&CP HH used in plating, main ingredients: Glycolic acid (10-20%), Methoxy-Acetic acid (<0.6%) and domestic additives (70-<90%)-Acid Cleaner 1022-B . Cas:79-14-1,625-45-6,7732-18-5,XNHC: HC2024454827ROHM AND HAAS ELECTRONIC MATERIALS ASIA LTD100LTR520JapanNA
3/15/202438109000ALM-1022-B#&CP HH used in plating, main ingredients: Glycolic acid (10-20%), Methoxy-Acetic acid (<0.6%) and domestic additives (70-<90%)-Acid Cleaner 1022-B . Cas:79-14-1,625-45-6,7732-18-5,XNHC: HC2024454827ROHM AND HAAS ELECTRONIC MATERIALS ASIA LTD200LTR1040JapanNA
3/15/202438101000CM-00006#&Acid Cleaner TM 1022-B solution contains water 70-80%, Glycolic Acid 10-20%, Phosphoric Acid Derivative 1-10%, Organic Salt 1-5%, Nonionic surfactant 1-5%ROHM AND HAAS ELECTRONIC MATERIALS ASIA LTD640LTR4096JapanNA
3/11/202438101000CM-00006#&Acid Cleaner TM 1022-B solution contains water 70-80%, Glycolic Acid 10-20%, Phosphoric Acid Derivative 1-10%, Organic Salt 1-5%, Nonionic surfactant 1-5%ROHM AND HAAS ELECTRONIC MATERIALS ASIA LTD440LTR2816JapanNA
3/11/202438101000CM-00006#&Acid Cleaner TM 1022-B solution contains water 70-80%, Glycolic Acid 10-20%, Phosphoric Acid Derivative 1-10%, Organic Salt 1-5%, Nonionic surfactant 1-5%ROHM AND HAAS ELECTRONIC MATERIALS ASIA LTD200LTR1280JapanNA

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Glycolic Import Data of Vietnamfrom Japan. We collect Glycolic Import Data of Vietnam from Japan with product and date. Glycolic ImportData of Vietnam from Japan helps to analyze Import price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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