Get Latest Vietnam Import Data of Ethenyl under HS Code 39140000

Discover latest Vietnam shipment data of Ethenyl under HS code 39140000. Find Product description, Price, buyer, supplier name, Port & shipping information. Ultilize these valuable insights for implementing successful marketing strategy. Scale your Business with our authentic Vietnam Import Data.

3/15/202439140000Ion exchange resin, containing benzene, diethenyl-, polymer with ethenyl benzene and ethenylethylbenzene, sulfonated, chloromethylated, 2-quaternized, hydroxide, code 5107-00-0016, manufacturer Organo, 100% newMITSUBISHI ELECTRIC AUTOMATION THAILAND COLTD10LTR102.766JapanNA
3/14/202439140000Ion exchange beads SM210; 25L/UNK (Benzenesulfonic acid, ethenyl-, Polymer with dithenylbenzene 155 %;Vinylbenzyltrimethylammonium hydroxide polymer with divinylbenzene 25+/-5%;Water 60+/-5%)100% newCONG TY TNHH THUONG MAI DICH VU XUAT NHAP KHAU CV VIET NAM2UNK470.852South KoreaNA
3/11/202439140000Ion exchanger SM210 in primary form. TP: Benzenesulfonic acid ethenyl-Polymer10-20%, Vinylbenzyltrimethylammonium hydroxide polymer 20-30% and water. 100% NewAQUA SYSTEM3000LTR13020South KoreaNA
3/4/202439140000Ion exchange resin, containing benzene, diethenyl-, polymer with ethenyl benzene and ethenylethylbenzene,sulfonated,chloromethylated,2-quaternized,hydroxide (MB-4(5L) 100% new productCONG TY TNHH NARASAKI VIET NAM2UNK977.124JapanNA
3/1/202439140000Ion exchange resin, containing benzene,diethenyl-,polymer with ethenyl benzene and ethenylethylbenzene,sulfonated,chloromethylated,2-quaternized,hydroxide (MB-4(5L)). 100% new item#&JPNarasaki Vietnam Co Ltd2UNK979.525VIETNAMNA
2/22/202439140000HC15#&Mixed Ion Exchange Resin (Trilite) used in industrial water filtration, TP: Benzenesulfonic acid, ethenyl-Polymer 15%, Vinylbenzyltrimethylammonium25%, water 60%. 100% newEHWA DIAMOND IND CO LTD16BAG3115.24South KoreaNA
12/29/202339140000Ion exchange beads SM210;25L/UNK(Benzenesulfonic acid, ethenyl-, Polymer with dithenylbenzene 15+/-5 %;Vinylbenzyltrimethylammonium hydroxide polymer with divinylbenzene 25+/-5%;Water 60+/-5%) 100% newCONG TY TNHH THUONG MAI DICH VU XUAT NHAP KHAU CV VIET NAM2Box/Bag/Pack479VietnamCONG TY FUHONG
12/19/202339140000Ion exchange resin, containing benzene, diethenyl-, polymer with ethenyl benzene and ethenylethylbenzene,sulfonated,chloromethylated,2-quaternized,hydroxide (MB-4(5L) 100% new productCONG TY TNHH NARASAKI VIET NAM2Box/Bag/Pack993VietnamCONG TY TNHH DENSO VIET NAM
12/5/202339140000HC15#&Mixed Ion Exchange Resin (Trilite) used in industrial water filtration, TP: Benzenesulfonic acid, ethenyl-Polymer 15%, Vinylbenzyltrimethylammonium25%, water 60%. 100% newEHWA DIAMOND IND CO LTD16Bag3100South KoreaGREEN PORT (HP)
11/15/202339140000Ion exchange beads SM210 in primary form, ingredients Benzenesulfonic acid ethenyl-Polymer with dithenylbenzene 10-20% and other ingredients, 100% newCONG TY TNHH A PLUS TECH30Liter335.8905VietnamCONG TY TNHH AG TECH

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