Get Latest Vietnam Cap knob Import Data from Hong kong

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3/25/202439269059500040103790000#&Insulation Cover Cap FR213ACU WHITE (01 set = 2 pieces)CONG TY TNHH TOKIN ELECTRONICS VIETNAM237SET4.503Hong KongNA
3/25/202482073000Metal button stamping tool, size 27L, includes 2 components (button stamping and button cap stamping), attached to the button stamping machine; used in the garment industry; new 100%. (1 PCE=1 component consisting of 2 parts).PANPACIFIC COLTD2SET60Hong KongNA
3/25/202482073000Metal button stamping tool, size 30L, includes 2 components (button stamping and button cap stamping), attached to the button stamping machine; used in the garment industry; new 100%. (1 PCE=1 component consisting of 2 parts).PANPACIFIC COLTD2SET90Hong KongNA
3/18/202485322400601000#&Ceramic capacitor (fixed, 2 layers)(CAP-MLCC,GP,270,F,50V,1.0x0.5,H=0.6mm,NP 6010A0408801), 100% newINVENTEC APPLIANCES PUDONG CORPORATION46620PCE79.254Hong KongNA
3/18/202439269059500040103790000#&Insulation Cover Cap FR213ACU WHITE (01 set = 2 pieces)CONG TY TNHH TOKIN ELECTRONICS VIETNAM8800SET167.2Hong KongNA
3/18/202485322400601000#&Ceramic capacitor (fixed, 2 layers)(CAP-MLCC,HF,680,F,50V,1.0x0.5,H=0.55mm,N 6010A0779701), 100% newINVENTEC APPLIANCES PUDONG CORPORATION14862PCE19.3206Hong KongNA
3/14/202439262090NPL - KN#&Plastic buckle for backpacks and bags - 306792*Whistle CE Single Cap Orange/A, 100% newLEIGO INTERNATIONAL HK LTD2216PCE180.3824Hong KongNA
3/11/202485322400601000#&Ceramic capacitor (fixed, 2 layers)(CAP-MLCC,GP,105,K,50V,3.2x1.6,H=1.9mm,X7 6010A0113401), 100% newINVENTEC APPLIANCES PUDONG CORPORATION1450PCE72.5Hong KongNA
3/11/202439269059500040103790000#&Insulation Cover Cap FR213ACU WHITE (01 set = 2 pieces)CONG TY TNHH TOKIN ELECTRONICS VIETNAM2700SET51.3Hong KongNA
3/8/202439269059500040103790000#&Insulation Cover Cap FR213ACU WHITE (01 set = 2 pieces)CONG TY TNHH TOKIN ELECTRONICS VIETNAM10520SET199.88Hong KongNA

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Cap knob Import Data of Vietnamfrom Hong kong. We collect Cap knob Import Data of Vietnam from Hong kong with product and date. Cap knob ImportData of Vietnam from Hong kong helps to analyze Import price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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