Get Latest Vietnam Bars gross Import Data from Laos

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3/31/202444079990Unplaned Chieu Lieu wood with a thickness of over 6mm (Terminalia Chebula Roxb -Sawn timber) Quantity: 99 barsFACTORY WOODPROCESSING AND FURNITURE FINISH THE PICTURE COMPLETE VIENG29.27MTQ13171.5LaosNA
3/31/202444079990Sao Xanh wood sawn lengthwise without planing with a thickness of over 6mm (Homalium caryophyllaceum Benth-Sawn timber) Quantity: 55 barsFACTORY WOODPROCESSING AND FURNITURE FINISH THE PICTURE COMPLETE VIENG47.02MTQ25861LaosNA
3/31/202444071910Sandalwood (from coniferous trees) sawn lengthwise, not planed, not further processed, with a thickness of over 6mm (not belonging to Cites). Scientific name: Cunninghamia konishii Hayata. Quantity: 10 barsPHACHALERN WOOD PROCESSING FACTORY LTD1.43MTQ1001LaosNA
3/31/202444079990Lagerstroemia flos-reginae Retz sawn lengthwise, unplaned wood with a thickness of over 6 mm. Quantity: 5027 barsWANGKOY FURNITURE and WOOD PROCESSING COLTD562.65MTQ157542LaosNA
3/31/202444079990Sawn wood sawn lengthwise, not planed, with a thickness of over 6mm, not belonging to Cites, scientific name, scientific name: Aglaia Sp, quantity: 39 barsPHACHALERN WOOD PROCESSING FACTORY LTD22.56MTQ4512LaosNA
3/31/202431042000Potassium Chloride fertilizer, powder form, white (K2O content >=60%, moisture <=1%; Goods packaged in uniform net weight 50 kg/bag, gross weight 50.17 kg/bag). PBLH name: Apromaco agricultural potassium fertilizerTOP TRADING LIMITED116TNE32114.252LaosNA
3/31/202431042000Potassium Chloride fertilizer, granular form, pink color (K2O content >=60%, moisture <=1%; Goods packaged in uniform net weight 50 kg/bag, gross weight 50.13 kg/bag). PBLH name: Apromaco agricultural potassium fertilizerHAINAN GOODY INTERNATIONAL TRADING COLTD115TNE37472.405LaosNA
3/31/202444079990Unplaned lengthwise sawn wood, with a thickness of over 6mm, not belonging to Cites, scientific name: Talauma Gioi A.Chev, quantity: 138 barsPHACHALERN WOOD PROCESSING FACTORY LTD19.37MTQ9297.6LaosNA
3/31/202444079990Unplaned Longitudinal Sawn Timber with a thickness of over 6mm (Sindora Tonkinensis A.Chev -Sawn timber) Quantity: 2 barsFACTORY WOODPROCESSING AND FURNITURE FINISH THE PICTURE COMPLETE VIENG1.22MTQ732LaosNA
3/31/202444079990Sawn wood sawed lengthwise, unplaned, with a thickness of over 6 mm (Pterocarpus macrocarpus Kurz). Quantity: 271 barsWANGKOY FURNITURE and WOOD PROCESSING COLTD2.62MTQ3144LaosNA

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Bars gross Import Data of Vietnamfrom Laos. We collect Bars gross Import Data of Vietnam from Laos with product and date. Bars gross ImportData of Vietnam from Laos helps to analyze Import price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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