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8/25/202338099300NL14#&Adjuvant for leather treatment FST (N08) - ingredients: Polyalkysiloxane (12.5%), paraffin waxes (0.3%), water (87.2%), 100% brand newRED SILVER STONE CO LTD1200Kilograms5160TaiwanNA
8/23/202339119000NL14#&Adjuvant for tanning industry Ingredients: salt of naphthalene sulfonate formadehyde condensate(1764f/N3.15/DG) - ATS ITEM NO.2001, 100% brand newRED SILVER STONE CO LTD21600Kilograms36936TaiwanCANG CAT LAI (HCM)
8/21/202338099300NL14#&Adjuvant Tanning agent (accelerates dyeing, main ingredients: Silicone oil, nonionic surfactant, water-G-69S, 100% brand newRED SILVER STONE CO LTD1700Kilograms6970TaiwanNA
8/12/202338099300NL14#&Adjuvant Tanning agent (accelerates dyeing, main ingredients: Silicone oil, nonionic surfactant, water-G-69S, 100% brand newRED SILVER STONE CO LTD3600Kilograms14760TaiwanNA
7/26/202338099300NL14#&Adjuvant Tanning agent (accelerates dyeing, main ingredients: Silicone oil, nonionic surfactant, water-G-69S, 100% brand newRED SILVER STONE CO LTD1800Kilograms7416TaiwanNA
7/26/202338099300NL14#&Adjuvant for leather treatment FST (N08) - ingredients: Polyalkysiloxane (12.5%), paraffin waxes (0.3%), water (87.2%), 100% brand newRED SILVER STONE CO LTD1200Kilograms5244TaiwanNA
7/26/202339119000NL14#&Adjuvant for tanning industry Ingredients: salt of naphthalene sulfonate formadehyde condensate(1764f/N3.15/DG) - ATS ITEM NO.2001, 100% brand newRED SILVER STONE CO LTD19200Kilograms32832TaiwanCANG CAT LAI (HCM)
7/17/202339119000CYW-VCL750 water filter aid product, liquid form, composition: (C3H5ClO.C2H7N)x >=2%, waste water treatment adjuvant, avoid mixing anionic surface. 100% newCIN YEA CO LTD8000Kilograms48000TaiwanCANG XANH VIP
7/13/202338099300NL14#&Adjuvant Tanning agent (accelerates dyeing, main ingredients: Silicone oil, nonionic surfactant, water-G-69S, 100% brand newRED SILVER STONE CO LTD1800Kilograms7488TaiwanNA
7/6/202338099300NL14#&Adjuvant Tanning agent (accelerates dyeing, main ingredients: Silicone oil, nonionic surfactant, water-G-69S, 100% brand newRED SILVER STONE CO LTD1800Kilograms7542TaiwanNA

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Adjuvant Import Data of Vietnamfrom Taiwan. We collect Adjuvant Import Data of Vietnam from Taiwan with product and date. Adjuvant ImportData of Vietnam from Taiwan helps to analyze Import price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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