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3/28/20243824999973302020#&CATAPREP(TM) 404A.TP preparation: water 60-70%, Sulfuric acid (7664-93-9) 10-15%, Amide adjuvant 10-20%, Sodium Salt 10-20% prevents dirt and water intrusion Imported into Catalyst tank for plating process, 100% newCONG TY TNHH SAN XUAT TAN THANH500LTR0.15JapanNA
3/18/202432091010FDOLP MULTIOPVAR MC7BVN - Varnish. Cas 29570-58-9,37625-93-7,9002-88-4,24650-42-8,471-34-1,75980-60-8,71-36-3(t/p:Acrylate oligomer,Synthetic resin ,Adjuvant)TOYO INK CO LTD40KGM627.036JapanNA
3/7/202438249999Cataprep 404A product is a chemical product consisting of 60-70% water, 10-15% Sulfuric acid, 10-20% Amide adjuvant, 10-20% Sodium Salt used in the electronics industry, 100% new.ROHM AND HAAS ELECTRONIC MATERIALS SINGAPORE PTE LTD1280LTR1425.152JapanNA
3/7/20243824999973302020#&Cataprep TM 404A product, prevents pollutants and water from entering the Catalyst calf.; tp:Water(7732-18-5) 60-70%,Sulfuric acid(7664-93-9)10- 15%,Amid adjuvant 10-20%,Sodium Salt 10-20%CONG TY TNHH SAN XUAT TAN THANH200LTR1510JapanNA
3/5/202438249999Cataprep TM 404A product, Catalyst tank pretreatment additive in electronic circuit board plating; tp: Water(7732-18-5) 60-70%,Sulfuric acid(7664-93-9)10-15%,Amide adjuvant 10-20%,Sodium Salt 10-20%; new 100%ROHM AND HAAS ELECTRONIC MATERIALS SINGAPORE PTE LTD700LTR4802JapanNA
2/22/20243824999973301717#&CATAPREP(TM) 404A.TP preparation: water 60-70%, Sulfuric acid (7664-93-9) 10-15%, Amide adjuvant 10-20%, Sodium Salt 10-20% to prevent dirt and water intrusion Enter the Catalyst tank for plating process, 100% newROHM AND HAAS ELECTRONIC MATERIALS ASIA LTD180LTR1399.608JapanNA
2/20/202438249999Cataprep 404A product is a chemical product consisting of 60-70% water, 10-15% Sulfuric acid, 10-20% Amide adjuvant, 10-20% Sodium Salt used in the electronics industry, 100% new.ROHM AND HAAS ELECTRONIC MATERIALS SINGAPORE PTE LTD1280LTR1493.888JapanNA
1/22/20243824999973301717#&CATAPREP(TM) 404A.TP preparation: water 60-70%, Sulfuric acid (7664-93-9) 10-15%, Amide adjuvant 10-20%, Sodium Salt 10-20% prevents dirt and water intrusion Imported into Catalyst tank for plating process, 100% newROHM AND HAAS ELECTRONIC MATERIALS ASIA LTD500Liter3430JapanNA
12/26/202338249999Preparation CATAPREP(TM) 404A is a chemical preparation consisting of water 60-70%, Sulfuric acid(7664-93-9)10-15%, Amide adjuvant 10-20%, Sodium Salt 10-20% for industrial use Electronic, 100% newROHM AND HAAS ELECTRONIC MATERIALS ASIA LTD600Liter4116JapanNA
12/26/202338249999Preparation CATAPREP(TM) 404A is a chemical preparation consisting of water 60-70%, Sulfuric acid(7664-93-9)10-15%, Amide adjuvant 10-20%, Sodium Salt 10-20% for industrial use Electronic, 100% newROHM AND HAAS ELECTRONIC MATERIALS ASIA LTD600Liter4116JapanNA

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Adjuvant Import Data of Vietnamfrom Japan. We collect Adjuvant Import Data of Vietnam from Japan with product and date. Adjuvant ImportData of Vietnam from Japan helps to analyze Import price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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