Get Latest Vietnam Adjuvant Import Data from India

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3/8/202438210090Microbial culture adjuvant, Trypsin 2.5% Solution 10X 2.5% Trypsin i, code: TCL008-100ML, packaging: 100ml/vial, manufacturer: HiMedia Laboratories Pvt. Limited, 100% new, RUO product, used in private roomHIMEDIA LABORATORIES PVT LTD10UNA422.202IndiaNA
3/8/202438210090Microbial culture adjuvant, HiKaryoXL PHA-M Solution w/ 0.1 mg per, code: TCL061-10ML, packaging: 10ml/vial, manufacturer: HiMedia Laboratories Pvt. Limited, 100% new, RUO product, used in private roomHIMEDIA LABORATORIES PVT LTD1UNK41.7921IndiaNA
1/2/202438249999Muktavac 70 Adjuvant in veterinary vaccines, used to create emulsions in vaccines, batch number: G-284, production date: November 2, 2023, expiration date: November 1, 2026, manufacturer: Mukta Industries, 100% newMUKTA INDUSTRIES1050Kilograms7875IndiaNA
1/2/202438249999Muktavac 70 Adjuvant in veterinary vaccines, used to create emulsions in vaccines, batch number: G-284, production date: November 2, 2023, expiration date: November 1, 2026, manufacturer: Mukta Industries, 100% newMUKTA INDUSTRIES1050Kilograms7875IndiaNA
11/21/202338089319Imbentin-T/65. Herbicide adjuvant. Use testing on plants. Sample. New 100%. Manufacturer: ADAMA INDIA PVT. LTDADAMA INDIA PVT LTD3Liter12IndiaNA
8/11/202338210010Microbial culture adjuvant, RUO, laboratory use,*Egg Yolk Tel Emulsion (100 ml per vial), code: FD046-100MLX1VL, packing: 100ml/vial x 5 vials/set, new 100 %HIMEDIA LABORATORIES PVT LTD1Set7.4IndiaNA
8/11/202338210010Microbial culture adjuvant, RUO product, for laboratory use, *Egg Yolk Emulsion (100 ml per vial), code: FD045-100MLX1VL, packing: 100ml/vial x 5 vials/set, 100% newHIMEDIA LABORATORIES PVT LTD1Set6.82IndiaNA
5/23/202338249999Muktavac 70 Adjuvant in veterinary vaccines, used to create emulsions in vaccines, batch number: G-260, date of manufacture: 20/03/2023, expiry date: 19/03/2026, publisher: Mukta Industries, 100% newMUKTA INDUSTRIES1050Kilograms7875IndiaNA
5/17/202339072990MACROGOL-3350 (Medical equipment sdsx chemical class B - laxative adjuvant effect; TP: 100% Polyethylene Glycol 3350- CAS#: 25322-68-3 ); Lot number: AP0923020, HSD: Mar/2023 -T02/2026; New 100%HILDOSE PHARMASPECIALITIES LLP2000Kilograms8200IndiaCANG LACH HUYEN HP

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