Get Latest Vietnam Import Data of Acrylic logo under HS Code 3208209090

Discover latest Vietnam shipment data of Acrylic logo under HS code 3208209090. Find Product description, Price, buyer, supplier name, Port & shipping information. Ultilize these valuable insights for implementing successful marketing strategy. Scale your Business with our authentic Vietnam Import Data.

3/29/20243208209090SFR-300-KD#&SFR-300PIB surface coating preparation dispersed in non-aqueous medium (TP: ALKYD RESIN, MELAMINE RESIN, ACRYLIC RESIN, BENZOGUANAMINE RESIN, EPOXY RESIN, PIGMENT,...) (1 bottle = 1kg).100% newBH CO.,LTD1KGM77.9822South KoreaNA
3/29/20243208209090SFR-300-KD#&SFR-300PIB surface coating preparation dispersed in non-aqueous medium (TP: ALKYD RESIN, MELAMINE RESIN, ACRYLIC RESIN, BENZOGUANAMINE RESIN, EPOXY RESIN, PIGMENT,...) (1 bottle = 1kg).100% newBH CO.,LTD1KGM77.9822South KoreaNA
3/21/20243208209090Acrylic paint for plastic surfaces FUJIHARD PG3457A CLEAR TC (PAINT), liquid, light yellow. New 100%NAGASE & CO.,LTD.15KGM76.545JapanNA
3/21/20243208209090Acrylic paint for plastic surfaces FUJIHARD PG3457A CLEAR TC (PAINT), liquid, light yellow. New 100%NAGASE & CO.,LTD.198KGM1010.394JapanNA
3/20/20243208209090Acrylic polymer solution in organic solvents with solvent content >50% by weight of toluene precursor (108-88-3), methyl ethyl ketone (52635-21-9), used in paint production, ratio 40 ~50% - TOP COAT#2K 810 BLACKKANGNAM JEVISCO CO., LTD.25UNL2265South KoreaNA
3/19/20243208209090"TC,KBHC" Acrylic resin in organic solvents, DM HC content over 50% by weight - (XZ0455A) RESIN SOLUTION CVC00398 [Cas:108-88-3;CH3(CH2)3OH]"Toluene20" (KQ : 103/KD4-TH-February 14, 2020)"CO"KCC CORPORATION540KGM2716.2South KoreaNA
3/19/20243208209090"KBHC"Acrylic polymer solution in organic solvent, solvent weight exceeds 50% of solution weight-(RT7014A) ACRYLIC POLYMERS CRT00143 [Cas:71-36-3;C4H10O] (KQ: 1174/TB-KD4 -July 29, 2019)KCC CORPORATION1520KGM5289.6South KoreaNA
3/6/20243208209090"TC,KBHC" Polyacrylic in organic solvents, solvent content greater than 50% by weight - (RT7004A) ACRYLIC POLYMERS CRT01665 [Cas:108-88-3;C6H5CH3]" Toluene40" (KQ: 1031/TB -KD4-August 3, 2017)KCC CORPORATION760KGM2751.2South KoreaNA
3/4/20243208209090"KBHC"Sell TP of paint from acrylic polymer dispersed in non-aqueous medium - (XZ0691AVN0299)SEMI PAINT TINTER777B7287[Cas:1330-20-7] (item 5 check 104520978554 February 9, 2022)"CO"KCC CORPORATION180KGM3817.8South KoreaNA
2/26/20243208209090Polyacrylic solution in organic solvents, solvent content over 50% of the weight of ACRYL RESIN(ROU-9100) solution, TP: 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 35-45%; n-Butyl acetate 35-45%; Acrylic Polymer 20-30%JUNG BU ESCHEM CO.LTD180KGM682.2South KoreaNA

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