Get Latest Vietnam Import Data of Acid methoxyphenol under HS Code 3824999910

Discover latest Vietnam shipment data of Acid methoxyphenol under HS code 3824999910. Find Product description, Price, buyer, supplier name, Port & shipping information. Ultilize these valuable insights for implementing successful marketing strategy. Scale your Business with our authentic Vietnam Import Data.

3/31/20243824999910Ultra-fine white marble powder coated with Stearic Acid THNA 01T. Particle size (D97) < 1 mm, whiteness > 90% according to KQPT: 552/2024/THG-GL dated March 30, 2024#&VNTRUNG HAI NGHE AN GROUP JOINT STOCK COMPANY137.5TNE10319.44375VIETNAMNA
3/31/20243824999910Ultra-fine white marble powder coated with Stearic Acid THNA-02T. Particle size (D97) < 1 mm, whiteness > 90% according to KQPT: 491/BD-THG dated March 30, 2024.#&VNTRUNG HAI NGHE AN GROUP JOINT STOCK COMPANY137.5TNE10706.58875VIETNAMNA
3/31/20243824999910White marble powder (superfine CaCO3 coated with stearic acid, product code QH-10C, particle size <0.125 mm, whiteness 98.13%, VL: dated March 27, 2024. Mine: Pha Tham.KT:StoneAsia Joint Stock Company .CB:DaQuyHop LLC LLC#&VNQUI HOP STONE COMPANY LIMITED560TNE46980.024VIETNAMNA
3/30/20243824999910Ultra-fine white marble powder coated with HICARB-S stearic acid. Size (D97) < 1 mm, whiteness > 90% according to KQPT: 487/BD-THG dated March 28, 2024#&VNTRUNG HAI NGHE AN GROUP JOINT STOCK COMPANY140TNE10248.728VIETNAMNA
3/30/20243824999910Ultra-fine white limestone powder coated with stearic acid M-2000 (XX white marble, grain size <0.125mm; Whiteness: 97.95 % return slip KQPT No. 36/2024/AT-GL dated March 28, 2024; Mine:Chau Hong,KT:KSNA;CB:Tho Hop)#&VNAn Thinh Mineral Investment Joint Stock Company308TNE21207.9868VIETNAMNA
3/30/20243824999910CaCO3-NHA-NP superfine limestone powder, xx marble, coated with stearic acid, particle size <0.125mm, DT >96%, VL: 265/2024/TC-GL (March 30, 2024), mine Penalty Trumpet, KT: An Son CT, CB: Toan Cau#&VN CTGlobal Minerals Joint Stock Company224TNE14639.9904VIETNAMNA
3/30/20243824999910Ultra-fine white marble powder coated with Stearic Acid SRT-1C. Particle size (D97) < 1 mm, whiteness > 90% according to KQPT: 540/2024/THG-GL dated March 27, 2024. #&VNTRUNG HAI NGHE AN GROUP JOINT STOCK COMPANY28TNE2236.4692VIETNAMNA
3/30/20243824999910Ultra-fine white marble powder coated with Stearic Acid SRT-2C. Particle size (D97) < 1 mm, whiteness > 90% according to KQPT: 541/2024/THG-GL dated March 27, 2024. #&VNTRUNG HAI NGHE AN GROUP JOINT STOCK COMPANY56TNE4297.5296VIETNAMNA
3/29/20243824999910Ultra-fine white marble powder coated with AB-CARB-CC5 Stearic Acid. Particle size (D97) < 1 mm, whiteness > 90% according to KQPT: 546/2024/THG-GL dated March 27, 2024. Chau Quang mine, THNA KT KS&TM, CB THNA GROUP#&VNTRUNG HAI NGHE AN GROUP JOINT STOCK COMPANY28TNE2330.4512VIETNAMNA
3/29/20243824999910Ultra-fine white marble powder coated with AB-CARB-CC7 Stearic Acid. Particle size (D97) < 1 mm, whiteness > 90% according to KQPT: 545/2024/THG-GL dated March 27, 2024. Chau Quang mine, THNA KT KS&TM, CB THNA GROUP#&VNTRUNG HAI NGHE AN GROUP JOINT STOCK COMPANY28TNE2223.55VIETNAMNA

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