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3/31/202484778039Seam sealing machine is used to reinforce and waterproof seams (processed for plastic products). Model: AI-119. I-NNN parameters. Brand H&H. Capacity: 3600W. Power source 220V. New 100%.H&H ASIA GROUP LTD.1SET2928.78ChinaNA
3/31/202484411010Paper Decal Cutting Machine, fixed type. Model: AC 1351, uses 220V electricity, capacity 100W, used to cut paper decals in advertising. 100% new.PINGXIANG CITY LONGWEI IMPORT AND EXPORT CO., LTD20PCE2000ChinaNA
3/31/202484513090Heat press machine used in the garment industry. Model CS-722N. Specification B-A1A1-061016. Brand H&H. Capacity 2800W. Power source 220V. New 100%H&H ASIA GROUP LTD.1SET1378.67ChinaNA
3/31/202485044090The power supply for LED lights does not come with a power cord and plug. Brand: CL. Symbol: CL - 5V - 70A. Input power:220V +/- 15%. Output power source 5V - 70APINGXIANG HUAZE TRADE CO.,LTD500PCE3250ChinaNA
3/31/202485044090-#&Power source 14V-5A, used to charge laptop, size: LxWxH: 10x4x2cm. 100% new. #&CNCONG TY TNHH THUONG MAI VA DICH VU HC INDUSTRY15PCE213.3285ChinaNA
3/31/202485044090The power supply for LED lights does not come with a power cord and plug. Input power source: 220V+-15%. Output power: 5V-70A. Symbol CL-350H-5M. Brand CL.100% NewPINGXIANG HUAZE TRADE CO.,LTD810PCE6480ChinaNA
3/31/202485184090Audio mixing desk mixer, Model AC-MX04pro, model: Aplus, voltage 220V, 8-channel microphone input, 2 groups, integrated DSP digital effects, 100% newGUANGXI PINGXIANG JUNCAI IMPORT AND EXPORT TRADE CO. , LTD2PCE244ChinaNA
3/31/202485044011Industrial UPS, helps ensure a stable power source for the factory system, has control cabinet, removable synchronous goods, model: EPWUPS120KH12P, capacity: 120KVA/380V, 100% new.NANTONG SENGUO TRADING CO.,LTD2SET110148ChinaNA
3/31/202490318090Current sensor measures AC voltage, voltage 220V, current 23.5 A, manufacturer code: LN-02A, 100% newGUANGXI PINGXIANG XIANKUN IMPORT&EXPORT TRADE CO.,LTD6PCE101.7546ChinaNA
3/31/202484518000Fabric trimmer used in the garment industry. Model: US-512. Brand H&H. Capacity 700W. Power source 220V. New 100%.H&H ASIA GROUP LTD.1SET3903.34ChinaNA

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