Get Latest Vietnam Import Data of Absolute black under HS Code 39199099

Discover latest Vietnam shipment data of Absolute black under HS code 39199099. Find Product description, Price, buyer, supplier name, Port & shipping information. Ultilize these valuable insights for implementing successful marketing strategy. Scale your Business with our authentic Vietnam Import Data.

3/31/202439199099Black PET adhesive pad (VGX1A533) 35.5mm*0.4mm made from Polyethylene terephthalate used to protect the surface, prevent scratches and dust for products, 100% new#&VNHUATECH VINA COMPANY LIMITED16680PCE158.46VIETNAMNA
3/30/202439199099RAW ADHESIVE TAPE Black plastic tape, 1 side, no printed content, film sticker, 35x90mm, model 65C755 type 40108-000375-TK240440-DOOS240634 NL TV manufacturer 100% newTCL KING ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES (HUIZHOU) CO., LTD.100PCE1.69ChinaNA
3/30/202439199099CONDUCTIVE FOAM Black plastic tape, 1 side, no printed content, glued to the screen, size 24*12mm, model 55C755 type 11802-500006-TK240440-DOOS240634 NL TV manufacturer 100% newTCL KING ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES (HUIZHOU) CO., LTD.300PCE8.4ChinaNA
3/30/202439199099Black plastic sheet tape, 1 side, no printed content, film sticker, 878.8*5mm, model 40S5400 type 40108-000416-TK240438-DOOS240573 NL TV production 100% newTCL KING ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES (HUIZHOU) CO., LTD.1000PCE59.4DominicaNA
3/30/2024391990990#&Yellow and black background adhesive tape made of plastic and glue, used to layout the location of goods in the factory. New 100%CONG TY TNHH BIGMARKET110ROL281.589VietnamNA
3/30/2024391990995M-FM6055-280#&RAW BUFFER SPONGE TAPE 40MM 30MM 0.055MM Black plastic sheet tape, 1 side, no printed content, pasted black wire hole for light bar, 40x30mm, 100% new, NL manufactures TV modelHUIZHOU YUNXIN TECHNOLOGY CO. LTD.5486PCE20.8468ChinaNA
3/30/20243919909940108-000435#&DOUBLE-SIDED TAPE\40S11\CD-NL035S\WHITE\ Black plastic sheet tape, 1 side, no content printed, film sticker, 35x90mm, 100% new, NL produces TVHUIZHOU YUNXIN TECHNOLOGY CO. LTD.3671PCE128.8521ChinaNA
3/30/20243919909940108-000435#&DOUBLE-SIDED TAPE\40S11\CD-NL035S\WHITE\ Black plastic sheet tape, 1 side, no content printed, film sticker, 35x90mm, 100% new, NL produces TVHUIZHOU YUNXIN TECHNOLOGY CO. LTD.2754PCE96.6654ChinaNA
3/30/202439199099Black tape (plastic, 15mm wide) for anti-light iron cladding - BLACKOUT TAPE (80902-00359) Size: (25*15*0.05)mm, 100% new productHONGKONG JS ENTERPRISES LIMITED7000PCE35.7ChinaNA
3/30/2024391990997B1774F01-0DF-G#&PSU Mylar black PC plastic piece 269*194*0.65mm 7B1774F01-0DF-G 55/65, Dimensions: 269*194*0.65mm. 100% newCONG TY TNHH CONG NGHE DING FENG VIET NAM25000PCE7752.5VietnamNA

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Import data of Absolute black under HS code 39199099 Vietnam. We collect Import data of Absolute black under HS code 39199099 with product anddate.Import data of Absolute black under HS code 39199099 Vietnam helps to analyze Import price, companyname, port, importer and exporter, product description, quantity, market trends, and many other datapoints.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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