Get Latest Vietnam Import Data of Abs light gray under HS Code 90019090

Discover latest Vietnam shipment data of Abs light gray under HS code 90019090. Find Product description, Price, buyer, supplier name, Port & shipping information. Ultilize these valuable insights for implementing successful marketing strategy. Scale your Business with our authentic Vietnam Import Data.

3/30/202490019090Plastic light filtering polarizing film (LED TV components), 714x407x0.216mm, model 32S5400A type B0133-000008-TK240438-DOOS240573 NL produces 100% new TVTCL KING ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES (HUIZHOU) CO., LTD.1000PCE336.2DominicaNA
3/30/202490019090B0121-000167#&DIFFUSION PLATE\43S11F-DP-1-CKD(B0121-00 Light diffusion optical film, size 716x413.46x1mm, 100% new, raw material for TV productionHUIZHOU YUNXIN TECHNOLOGY CO. LTD.798PCE872.2938ChinaNA
3/30/202490019090Q6 VT 10M#&Mobile phone camera light filter, size 6.3x6.3x0.11t (05-00-IRF-30106)#&VNINNOWAVE VIETNAM COMPANY LIMITED293PCE24.026VIETNAMNA
3/30/202490019090B0131-000108#&BRIGHTENER\40S350R-PF-1-CKD(B0131-000104 Light filter polarizing film (led TV components), size 1103.8*627*0.28mm, 100% new NL TV manufacturingHUIZHOU YUNXIN TECHNOLOGY CO. LTD.2622PCE1814.9484ChinaNA
3/30/202490019090Plastic light filtering polarizing film (LED TV components), 711.23x412.5x0.275mm, model 32S5400A type 70601-500006-TK240438-DOOS240573 NL TV manufacturer 100% newTCL KING ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES (HUIZHOU) CO., LTD.200PCE27.7DominicaNA
3/30/202490019090Plastic light filtering polarizing film (LED TV components), 711.23x412.5x0.275mm, model 32S5400 type 70601-500006-TK240438-DOOS240573 NL produces 100% new TVTCL KING ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES (HUIZHOU) CO., LTD.200PCE27.7DominicaNA
3/30/202490019090FG-R8-12M-UW-05-00-IRF-30066#&Plastic light filter for mobile phone cameras, size 7.03x7.03mm (05-00-IRF-30066)#&VNINNOWAVE VIETNAM COMPANY LIMITED10107PCE1060.2243VIETNAMNA
3/30/202490019090B0131-000108#&BRIGHTENER\40S350R-PF-1-CKD(B0131-000104 Light filter polarizing film (led TV components), size 1103.8*627*0.28mm, 100% new NL TV manufacturingHUIZHOU YUNXIN TECHNOLOGY CO. LTD.3496PCE2419.9312ChinaNA
3/30/202490019090B0154-000101#&UPOP Plastic light filtering polarizing film (LED TV components), size 1221*692.1*320mm, 100% new, NL TV manufacturerHUIZHOU YUNXIN TECHNOLOGY CO. LTD.4220PCE10578.274ChinaNA
3/30/202490019090FG Filter A21S-8M#&Plastic light filter for mobile phone cameras, size 6.2x6.2mm model A21S-8M (3IRFIN0038 )#&VNINNOWAVE VIETNAM COMPANY LIMITED322PCE32.2VIETNAMNA

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Import data of Abs light gray under HS code 90019090 Vietnam. We collect Import data of Abs light gray under HS code 90019090 with product anddate.Import data of Abs light gray under HS code 90019090 Vietnam helps to analyze Import price, companyname, port, importer and exporter, product description, quantity, market trends, and many other datapoints.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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