Get Latest Vietnam Abrasives Import Data from Taiwan

Get latest Customs Import data of Vietnam from Itlay for HS code . Discover valuable information such as Product Name, Price, Value, Unit, Quantity, Importer Port Name, and more shipment details based on invoices, shipping bill and other documents for better market research.

3/20/202458064000A27#&Adhesive abrasives of all kindsSEES GLOBAL INC.603.5MTR1082.01515TaiwanNA
3/20/202458064000A27#&Adhesive abrasives of all kindsSEES GLOBAL INC.603.5MTR389.3782TaiwanNA
3/15/202458064000A27#&Adhesive abrasives of all kindsSEES GLOBAL INC.452.63MTR871.222224TaiwanNA
3/15/202458064000A27#&Adhesive abrasives of all kindsSEES GLOBAL INC.603.5MTR514.7855TaiwanNA
2/22/202484679200Base used to attach abrasives - hand held grinding machine parts operated by compressed air, product code: PAD-0YH2, Manufacturer: AIRBEST INDUSTRY CORP, 100% newAIRBEST INDUSTRY CORP.100PCE320.64TaiwanNA
2/1/202458064000A27#&Adhesive abrasives of all kindsSEES GLOBAL INC.150.88MTR493.347424TaiwanNA
1/30/202439074000POLYCARBONATE plastic granules KG120 - ABRASIVES 1.2mm (Inspected goods declaration 104969454921 dated September 15, 2022) (100% new product)YIH SHENG RUBBER INDUSTRIAL CORP.100Kilograms1201.55TaiwanCANG CAT LAI (HCM)
1/25/202468053000Metal polishing belt made from artificial diamond abrasives with flexible plastic base 372L 100MIC(4"x 100ft x3"), 100% newWAY HSING MILLING MATERIAL CO.,LTD3Pieces483TaiwanNA
1/25/202468053000Metal polishing belt made from artificial diamond abrasives with 362L 40MIC plastic base (4"x 150ft x3"), 100% newWAY HSING MILLING MATERIAL CO.,LTD2Pieces232TaiwanNA
1/25/202468053000Metal polishing belt made from artificial diamond abrasives with flexible plastic base 362L 60MIC(4"x 150ft x3"), 100% newWAY HSING MILLING MATERIAL CO.,LTD2Pieces232TaiwanNA

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Abrasives Import Data of Vietnamfrom Taiwan. We collect Abrasives Import Data of Vietnam from Taiwan with product and date. Abrasives ImportData of Vietnam from Taiwan helps to analyze Import price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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