Get Latest Vietnam Import Data of Abrasive tools under HS Code 82081000

Discover latest Vietnam shipment data of Abrasive tools under HS code 82081000. Find Product description, Price, buyer, supplier name, Port & shipping information. Ultilize these valuable insights for implementing successful marketing strategy. Scale your Business with our authentic Vietnam Import Data.

3/30/202482081000Metal cutting blade: 360R62.0/1.0-PP 010 0.5 mechanical processing tools for CNC machines, Nano Diamond manufacturer, 100% new.NANO DIAMOND PRODUCTS DAC5PCE977.5ChinaNA
3/30/202482081000Turning chip (turning blade) APKT1604, size 10*15mm, made of stainless steel, used for mechanical metal processing tools. 100% new product #&CNKBS IMPORT EXPORT AND INTERNATIONAL TRADE COMPANY LIMITED20PCE32.508VIETNAMNA
3/30/202482081000Metal cutting blade: 360R62.0/1.2-PP 005 0.5 mechanical processing tools for CNC machines, Nano Diamond manufacturer, 100% new.NANO DIAMOND PRODUCTS DAC5PCE977.5ChinaNA
3/29/202482081000NAITO-MANHDAO#&Carbide inserts used in machine tools for metal processing, brand: KYOCERA, model: VNMM160402M-SE KPD001_Insert,[100% new]#&CNCONG TY TNHH NAITO VIET NAM10PCE280.374ChinaNA
3/29/202482081000Tools for CNC lathes - Lathe bits: PNCU0905GNER-MJ AH725 - 100% new productTUNGALOY CORPORATION20PCE131.38GermanyNA
3/29/202482081000Tools for CNC lathes - Lathe bits: DGM3-020 AH725 - 100% new productTUNGALOY CORPORATION100PCE681.77South KoreaNA
3/29/202482081000NAITO-MANHDAO#&Carbide inserts used in machine tools for metal processing, brand: KYOCERA, model: TTX32R60005S PR1115_Insert,[100% new]#&JPCONG TY TNHH NAITO VIET NAM5PCE56.8875JapanNA
3/29/202482081000Cylindrical milling cutter with R 4JJCR060001200 made of steel, used for machine tools. 100% new product #&KRYAMAGUCHI TOOLS VIETNAM PRODUCTION AND TRADING JOINT STOCK COMPANY10PCE263.308VIETNAMNA
3/29/2024820810007-92-080-23#&Reamer-REAMER, (f4.97+0.005 -0).100% new. Machining and cutting, used for drilling machines, lathes and other machine tools and specialized machines.TOWA JAPAN CORPORATION1PCE43.3JapanNA
3/29/202482081000Tools for CNC lathes - Lathe bits: DCGT11T302FR-J10 SH725 - 100% newTUNGALOY CORPORATION50PCE281.015JapanNA

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Import data of Abrasive tools under HS code 82081000 Vietnam. We collect Import data of Abrasive tools under HS code 82081000 with product anddate.Import data of Abrasive tools under HS code 82081000 Vietnam helps to analyze Import price, companyname, port, importer and exporter, product description, quantity, market trends, and many other datapoints.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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