Get Latest Vietnam Abrasive polishing cake Import Data from Taiwan

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3/30/202468043000Polishing stone, used for polishing machines for rubber products: ABRASIVE STONE- SBW 15 (drum 15) (100% new product)YIH SHENG RUBBER INDUSTRIAL CORP.500KGM2020.6TaiwanNA
3/30/202468043000Hand-held flat grinding wheel for polishing casting molds 1010 220# (1*10*100mm) 100% brand newHONGKONG HENGTAI PLASTIC PIGMEN LIMITED10PCE149.2TaiwanNA
3/30/202468053000Polishing film used to polish fiber optic cable ends, size 16um, P/N: 927-1809. 100% NewGLORIOLE ELECTROPTIC TECHNOLOGY CORP.1000PCE432TaiwanNA
3/30/202468043000Polishing stone, used for polishing machines for rubber products: ABRASIVE STONE- SBW 20 (drum 20) (100% new product)YIH SHENG RUBBER INDUSTRIAL CORP.500KGM2020.6TaiwanNA
3/29/202458064000P09#&Abrasive tape (from woven fabric with only warp threads without weft threads bonded together by adhesive, 687.5YDS, 2cm dry, 100% newJ.ADAMS AND ASSOCIATES LIMITED687.5YRD68.75TaiwanNA
3/29/202468042100Diamond polishing head set (WG-30D-M). 100% new product, intended for internal use at DNCXCONG TY CO PHAN SAN XUAT THUONG MAI VA DICH VU AZ1SET33.3198TaiwanNA
3/29/202468043000Stone powder for mold polishing (1 bottle = 100 GAM), #5000, 100% new productTAI JIN INTERNATIONAL CO., LTD10PCE114.3TaiwanNA
3/28/202458089090N36#&Abrasive tapePAN PACIFIC CO.,LTD7782.5YRD1556.5TaiwanNA
3/28/202482031000Diamond sharpening file set CF-400, is a 12-piece file set with plastic handle, used for polishing detailed surfaces, mechanical components, burrs, 100% new product.CONG TY TNHH AMS VIET NAM3SET46.3227TaiwanNA
3/28/202456021000Mold polishing felt (ABF-2505E) (Used to polish molds), 100% new productYATAGHAN ENTERPRISE CO., LTD35PCE21.147TaiwanNA

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Abrasive polishing cake Import Data of Vietnamfrom Taiwan. We collect Abrasive polishing cake Import Data of Vietnam from Taiwan with product and date. Abrasive polishing cake ImportData of Vietnam from Taiwan helps to analyze Import price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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