Get Latest Vietnam nonyl Import Data from Taiwan

Get latest Customs Import data of Vietnam from Itlay for HS code . Discover valuable information such as Product Name, Price, Value, Unit, Quantity, Importer Port Name, and more shipment details based on invoices, shipping bill and other documents for better market research.

3/28/202434029019HITENOL HS-10 emulsifier, liquid, used in plastic production, TP: Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), A-sulfo-w-[4-nonyl-2-(1-propen-1- yl)phenoxy]-, Branched, Ammonium salts 99% CAS 151574-14-0, 100% newCHIN YEE CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES CO LTD2880KGM26092.8TaiwanNA
3/21/202429173300DINP-A1#&Polycarboxylic acid, diisononyl orthophthalate (Goods not included in Appendix V, ND113; CAS No.28553-12-0)- DINP (DI-ISO NONYL PHTHALATE). KQGD: 3504/TB-TCHQ, Checked goods at account: 102798905421/E31.NAN YA PLASTICS CORPORATION62280KGM98720.028TaiwanNA
3/12/202429094900Organic substance NP4 (NONYL PHENOL 4 MOLES), CAS code: 9016-45-9, used in mining industry, liquid form, 200kg/drum. 100% new.SINOJAPAN CHEMICAL CO LTD16000KGM36000TaiwanNA
3/11/202429173300Polyfunctional carboxylic acid, diisononyl orthophthalate (Goods not included in Appendix V, ND113; CAS No.28553-12-0)- DINP (DI-ISO NONYL PHTHALATE). KQGD: 3504/TB-TCHQ, Checked goods at account: 102798905421/E31.NAN YA PLASTICS CORPORATION20760KGM32491.476TaiwanNA
3/1/202429173300Polyfunctional carboxylic acid, diisononyl orthophthalate (Goods not included in Appendix V, ND113; CAS No.28553-12-0)- DINP (DI-ISO NONYL PHTHALATE). KQGD: 3504/TB-TCHQ, Checked goods at account: 102798905421/E31.NAN YA PLASTICS CORPORATION20840KGM31991.484TaiwanNA
2/2/202429071300Nonyl Phenol used in the wood paint industry, yellow liquid, 190kg/barrel, manufacturer FORMOSAN UNION CHEMICAL CORP. (FUCC), CAS: 84852-15-3, 25154-52-3, 100% newFORMOSAN UNION CHEMICAL CORPORATION7.6TNE14440TaiwanNA
1/31/202429071300Nonyl phenol NOP Nonyl phenol (CAS 84852-15-3) registered TK: 105774592341/A12 October 7, 2023YUNG CHI PAINTand VARNISH MFG COLTD760Kilograms1877.2TaiwanNA
1/30/202429071300Nonyl Phenol resin, liquid form, used as raw material for paint production (190 KGS/DRUM X 80 DRUMS). New 100%.FORMOSAN UNION CHEMICAL CORPORATION15.2Ton30400TaiwanNA
1/24/202429071300Nonyl Phenol - raw material used in paint production, packaged 195 kg/barrel (CAS: 25154-52-3/ 104-40-5/84852-15-3). New 100%KANSAI PAINT ASIA PACIFIC SDNBHD1Barrel1326TaiwanNA
1/16/202429173300DINP-A1#&Polycarboxylic acid, diisononyl orthophthalate (Goods not included in Appendix V, ND113; CAS No.28553-12-0)- DINP (DI-ISO NONYL PHTHALATE). KQGD: 3504/TB-TCHQ, Checked goods at account: 102798905421/E31.NAN YA PLASTICS CORPORATION41610Kilograms60542.55TaiwanNA

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