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1/31/202494039100* DFN100DT Table Top, Made of Melaleuca wood, rubber, plywood, MDF (planted forests, purchased domestically) 1067mmx2286mmx83mm, No brand#&VNTAN NHAT WOOD TRADE PRODUCT COMPANY LIMITED50Pieces6300USKHO HANG CONG TY XUAT KHAU
1/31/202494036090Table made from imported pine wood - materials purchased in Vietnam - 2230-13 TELLURIDE DRIFTWOOD END TABLE 609.6x609.6x609.6 mm #&VNAN VIET FURNITURE ONE MEMBER COMPANY LIMITED52Pieces2395.12USKHO NGOAI QUAN GEMADEPT
1/31/202494036090Table made from imported pine wood - materials purchased in Vietnam - 2230-14 TELLURIDE DRIFTWOOD SOFA TABLE 1270x457.2x812.8 mm #&VNAN VIET FURNITURE ONE MEMBER COMPANY LIMITED20Pieces2017.8USKHO NGOAI QUAN GEMADEPT
1/31/202494039100Table leg 400011989 (1219X1219X762) mm, unbranded/ Product made from Rubber wood, 100% new#&VNTRUONG THANH FURNITURE CORPORATION12Pieces1548USGEMALINK
1/31/202494039100Round table top made of MDF, walnut veneer, size 127*127*4 cm, 10187701CRWL RHA5400-0017.CAWL, with RH label, 100% new #&VNH NICHOLAS And CO JOINT STOCK COMPANY1Pieces382USTANCANG CAIMEP TVAI
1/31/202494039100Oval table top made of MDF, oak veneer, size 244*137*4 cm, 10187711BLND RHA5400-0011.NOAK, with RH label, 100% new #&VNH NICHOLAS And CO JOINT STOCK COMPANY9Pieces3897USTANCANG CAIMEP TVAI
1/31/202494039100ILD034/TT/TSP/SC: Rectangular dining table top (painted) (removable) made from pine wood, used in the kitchen, 60mm x 1980mm x 965mm, made in Vietnam, 100% new, label BURDEN#&VN brandBURDEN FURNITURE COMPANY LIMITED10Pieces1188.9USCANG QT CAI MEP
1/31/202494039100TP0846#&Table leg, Item: EHB066 V72 EB, made from plywood, size (72*18*33)inch, no brand, 100% new#&VNESSENTIAL HOME FURNITURE COMPANY LIMITED7Pieces3129USCANG QT SP-SSA(SSIT)
1/31/202494039100TP0882#&Table leg, Item: EHB002 CN, made from plywood, size: (42*42*28.5)inch, no brand, 100% new#&VNESSENTIAL HOME FURNITURE COMPANY LIMITED14Pieces3244.5USCANG QT SP-SSA(SSIT)
1/31/202494039100Headboard made of plywood and MDF covered with Laminate, with upholstery, wooden parts of furniture, Item: 4869A11A15-A, QC: (1626*108*1524)mm.Brand:Kimball Hospitality.100% New#&VNFENG HENG VIETNAM COMPANY LIMITED39Pieces6708USC CAI MEP TCIT (VT)

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Wooden table ware Export Data of Vietnamfrom Us. We collect Wooden table ware Export Data of Vietnam to Us with product and date. Wooden table ware ExportData of Vietnam from Us helps to analyze Export price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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