Get Latest Vietnam Waku basket Export Data to Ca

Get latest Customs Export data of Vietnam to Ca for HS code . Discover valuable information such as Product Name, Price, Value, Unit, Quantity, Exporter Port Name, and more shipment details based on invoices, shipping bill and other documents for better market research.

1/31/202446021990100% new hyacinth lacquer basket, size (30x20x18)cm#&VNLACQUER WORLD COMPANY LIMITED170Pieces443.7CANA
1/31/202446029090Plastic wire basket set of 3, code KL2211 (58 x 42 x 62 Cm), unbranded, 100% new#&VNKHANH LOC PRODUCTION TRADE COLTD120Set4560CANA
1/31/202446021990100% new hyacinth lacquer basket, size (45x45x35)cm#&VNLACQUER WORLD COMPANY LIMITED190Pieces1358.5CANA
1/31/202446021990100% new hyacinth lacquer basket, size (30x20x18)cm#&VNLACQUER WORLD COMPANY LIMITED190Pieces452.2CANA
1/31/202446021990Water hyacinth basket set of 5 code KL2212 (47 x 47 x 63 Cm) unbranded, 100% new#&VNKHANH LOC PRODUCTION TRADE COLTD110Set3630CANA
1/31/202446021990sedge basket LZS90 ; Size: Africa 30 x 31cm; 100% new product.#&VNBACNINH MANUFACTURE AND TRADING COMPANY LIMITED3468Pieces26010CANA
1/31/202446021990100% new hyacinth lacquer basket, size (35x35x33)cm#&VNLACQUER WORLD COMPANY LIMITED400Pieces1632CANA
1/31/202446021990100% new hyacinth lacquer basket, size (50x35x34)cm#&VNLACQUER WORLD COMPANY LIMITED170Pieces1111.8CANA
1/31/202494036090510005754#&Laundry Kit, QL016, size: 704x554x854mm, covered plywood (attached with FD1100 sink + LB-9164 drain + RQF51B faucet + HF283-224 handle + WY5207 hanging basket + B7120 stainless steel plate, imported from China), Transform brand, 100% new#&VNAN CUONG WOOD WORKING JOINT STOCK COMPANY186Pieces24758.46CACANG T.CANG -CAI MEP
1/31/202494036090510005754#&Laundry Kit, QL016, size: 704x554x854mm, covered plywood (attached with FD1100 sink + LB-9164 drain + RQF51B faucet + HF283-224 handle + WY5207 hanging basket + B7120 stainless steel plate, imported from China), Transform brand, 100% new#&VNAN CUONG WOOD WORKING JOINT STOCK COMPANY186Pieces24758.46CACANG T.CANG -CAI MEP

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Waku basket Export Data of Vietnamfrom Ca. We collect Waku basket Export Data of Vietnam to Ca with product and date. Waku basket ExportData of Vietnam from Ca helps to analyze Export price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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