Get Latest Vietnam Tarp Export Data to Au

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12/21/202383024999Galvanized iron shelf (2275-262V), CBH TARP RACK ASSEMBLY EX VIETNAM, CRATED, INCLDING FREIGHT TO PINJAPRA, 8102x920x500mm. 100% new product#&VNNTP GROUP COMPANY LIMITED10Pieces8969.9AUC CAI MEP TCIT (VT)
11/2/202373269099Iron cable fixing bar with zinc coating (2275-503 TARP RACK END POLES (SET OF 2)) 1285x285x300mm. 100% new product#&VNNTP GROUP COMPANY LIMITED1Pieces125.67AUCANG CAT LAI (HCM)
11/2/202373269099Iron cable fixing bar with zinc coating (2275-503 TARP RACK END POLES (SET OF 2)) 1285x285x300mm. 100% new product#&VNNTP GROUP COMPANY LIMITED1Pieces125.67AUCANG CAT LAI (HCM)
11/2/202383024999Galvanized iron shelf (2275-262V), CBH TARP RACK ASSEMBLY, , CRATED, INCLDING FREIGHT TO PINJAPRA 8102x920x500mm. 100% new product#&VNNTP GROUP COMPANY LIMITED4Pieces3587.96AUCANG CAT LAI (HCM)
11/2/202373269099Zinc-plated conveyor base (2275-477-TARP RACK FOOT PLATE SET OF 10 250x250x25mm. 100% new product#&VNNTP GROUP COMPANY LIMITED1Pieces16AUCANG CAT LAI (HCM)
9/29/202383024999Galvanized iron shelf (2275-262V), CBH TARP RACK ASSEMBLY 8102x920x500mm. 100% new#&VNNTP GROUP COMPANY LIMITED10Pieces8969.9AUCANG CAT LAI (HCM)
8/31/202383024999Galvanized iron shelf (2275-262V), CBH TARP RACK ASSEMBLY 8102x920x500mm. 100% new#&VNNTP GROUP COMPANY LIMITED2Pieces1793.98AUCANG CAT LAI (HCM)
7/8/202340169959Protective cover of rubber bearings. Washer of (QE CONTRACTING TARP ROLLER EX VIETNAM INCLUDING FREIGHT TO PINJARRA) C46. 42x43x26mm. 100% brand new#&VNNTP GROUP COMPANY LIMITED4Pieces82.96AUC CAI MEP TCIT (VT)
7/8/202384791020The tarpaulin wrapping machine is hydraulically operated. QE-CNTNG-620KG-RTD-22 CBH Tarp Roller 1027.7x2745x1300. 100% brand new#&VNNTP GROUP COMPANY LIMITED19Pieces38260.49AUC CAI MEP TCIT (VT)
7/3/202383024999Zinc-dipped iron shelf (2275-262V), CBH TARP RACK ASSEMBLY, CRATED, INCLDING FREIGHT TO PINJAPRA, size: 8102x920x500mm, 100% brand new#&VNNTP GROUP COMPANY LIMITED86Pieces77141.14AUCANG CAT LAI (HCM)

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Tarp Export Data of Vietnamfrom Au. We collect Tarp Export Data of Vietnam to Au with product and date. Tarp ExportData of Vietnam from Au helps to analyze Export price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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