Get Latest Vietnam Shoe bend Export Data to Kr

Get latest Customs Export data of Vietnam to Kr for HS code . Discover valuable information such as Product Name, Price, Value, Unit, Quantity, Exporter Port Name, and more shipment details based on invoices, shipping bill and other documents for better market research.

1/31/202464069051OE-003554#&PU shoe insoles, OE-003554 (100% new product) Brand: NIKE#&VNORTHOLITE VIETNAM COMPANY LIMITED8Pairs6.88KRHO CHI MINH
1/31/202464069051OE-003554#&PU shoe insoles, OE-003554 (100% new product) Brand: NIKE#&VNORTHOLITE VIETNAM COMPANY LIMITED10Pairs8.6KRHO CHI MINH
1/31/202464061090FMM252 GS42#&Shoe strap (tanned cowhide, semi-finished shoes without sole, no brand)#&KREY VINA INTERNATIONAL COMPANY LIMITED200Pairs3700KRCANG CAT LAI (HCM)
1/31/20246406109031046 NA#&Shoe straps (tanned cowhide, semi-finished shoes without soles, no brand)#&KREY VINA INTERNATIONAL COMPANY LIMITED20Pairs370KRCANG CAT LAI (HCM)
1/31/202473269099Low hardness steel ball (after washing), specification: 11.227mm/WASHING SHOE BALL. 100% new#&VNPSB VINA COMPANY LIMITED250868Pieces4440.3636KRCANG CAT LAI (HCM)
1/31/202484807910SM-09HD#&Steel shoe sole making mold, equipment for shoe sole production MOLD (SM-09HD). Exporting and returning temporarily imported goods, item 1 of Account 106029371820/g13: Returning temporarily imported goods.#&KRYOUNGPOONG VINA COMPANY LIMITED16Pieces2439.84KRHO CHI MINH
1/31/202464062020T0124_Outsole TX-10324#&Shoe outsole size 6 -> size 14 made from EVA, 100% new#&VNFINE CHEMICAL VIETNAM COLTD69Pairs739.68KRHO CHI MINH
1/31/20246406109031039 BK#&Shoe straps (tanned cowhide, semi-finished shoes without soles, no brand)#&KREY VINA INTERNATIONAL COMPANY LIMITED20Pairs370KRCANG CAT LAI (HCM)
1/31/20246406109031046 BK#&Shoe straps (tanned cowhide, semi-finished shoes without soles, no brand)#&KREY VINA INTERNATIONAL COMPANY LIMITED20Pairs370KRCANG CAT LAI (HCM)
1/31/202439219090SEMI SAMSA-K54-2024#&Artificial leather (composition: 35% non-woven fabric from staple nylon and polyester, 65% non-porous polyurethane plastic)-SEMI SAMSA, in rolls, used in shoe manufacturing, SIZE 54'', no brand, new100%#&VNTKG ECO MATERIAL VINA CORPORATION45Meters399.15KRICD TRANSIMEX SG

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Shoe bend Export Data of Vietnamfrom Kr. We collect Shoe bend Export Data of Vietnam to Kr with product and date. Shoe bend ExportData of Vietnam from Kr helps to analyze Export price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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