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1/31/202494036090Cabinet doors (Semi-finished products) - Kitchen cabinet parts DOORS - SPECTRA / MINERAL Finished (680L x 470W x 290H)mm. The product is manufactured using rubber wood/ Mdf & NPL materials purchased domestically. 100% new#&VNPHU TAI DONG NAI COMPANY LIMITED10Pieces66USHO CHI MINH
1/31/202494036090Cabinet doors (Semi-finished products) - Parts of kitchen cabinets DR WALLPQ 11 11/16x23 (19.1T x 584.2H x 296.926L)mm. The product is manufactured using rubber wood/ Mdf & NPL materials purchased domestically. 100% new#&VNPHU TAI DONG NAI COMPANY LIMITED276Pieces1774.68USC CAI MEP TCIT (VT)
1/31/202494036090Cabinet doors (Semi-finished products) - Parts of kitchen cabinets DR HANSPQ 16 15/16x21 1/2 (19.1T x 546.1H x 430.276L)mm. The product is manufactured using rubber wood/ Mdf & NPL materials purchased domestically. 100% new#&VNPHU TAI DONG NAI COMPANY LIMITED184Pieces1414.96USC CAI MEP TCIT (VT)
1/31/202494036090Cabinet doors (Semi-finished products) - Parts of kitchen cabinets DR WALLPQ 14 1/2x35 1/2 (19.1T x 901.7H x 368.3L)mm. The product is manufactured using rubber wood/ Mdf & NPL materials purchased domestically. 100% new#&VNPHU TAI DONG NAI COMPANY LIMITED92Pieces963.24USC CAI MEP TCIT (VT)
1/31/202494036090Cabinet frame (Semi-finished product) - Part of kitchen cabinet W930 FRM PRIMERED S152037 (19.1T x 762H x 228.6L)mm. The product is manufactured using domestically purchased rubber wood and raw materials. 100% new#&VNPHU TAI DONG NAI COMPANY LIMITED180Pieces565.2USC CAI MEP TCIT (VT)
1/31/202494036090Cabinet frame (Semi-finished product) - Part of kitchen cabinet W1830 FRM PRIMERED S152037 (19.1T x 762H x 457.2L)mm. The product is manufactured using domestically purchased rubber wood and raw materials. 100% new#&VNPHU TAI DONG NAI COMPANY LIMITED92Pieces358.8USC CAI MEP TCIT (VT)
1/31/202494036090Cabinet frame (Semi-finished product) - Part of kitchen cabinet W1830 FRM PRIMERED S152037 (19.1T x 762H x 457.2L)mm. The product is manufactured using domestically purchased rubber wood and raw materials. 100% new#&VNPHU TAI DONG NAI COMPANY LIMITED92Pieces382.72USC CAI MEP TCIT (VT)
1/31/202494036090Cabinet doors (Semi-finished products) - Parts of kitchen cabinets DR HANSPQ 10 15/16x21 1/2 (19.1T x 546.1H x 277.876L)mm. The product is manufactured using rubber wood/ Mdf & NPL materials purchased domestically. 100% new#&VNPHU TAI DONG NAI COMPANY LIMITED276Pieces1617.36USC CAI MEP TCIT (VT)
1/31/202484839099BQ416LGCA5-V24#&Semi-finished gear box cover 4105#1045P#&VNSUMITOMO HEAVY INDUSTRIES VIETNAM CO LTD80Pieces599.2USCANG NAM DINH VU
1/31/20249401999176444S#&Plastic chair leg - semi-finished product 551B527LEGKIT4/PER, type #76444S#&VNWANEK FURNITURE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY10Pieces105.3USCANG QT SP-SSA(SSIT)

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