Get Latest Vietnam Room heaters Export Data to Vn

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1/31/202484189100AJP76431605#&Transparent plastic tray, size 444.6*263.7*72.8mm used to store fresh food. 100% New-Tray Assembly, Fresh Room-AJP76431605#&VNDONGJIN TECHWIN VINA COLTD1827Pieces2689.28919VNCTY TNHH DONGJIN TECHWIN VINA
1/31/202485443012240607MK0B#&Wiring set for NISSAN DAYZ ROOM LAMP cars (240607MK0B) with connector attached, plastic insulated, size: 1524 mm, 100% new.#&VNESMO VINA CORPORATION120Set674.4VNCONG TY TNHH ESMO VINA
1/31/202484219999Bag filter 287x592x520mm (part of clean room air purifier). 100% new item#&MYAIR FILTECH JOINT STOCK COMPANY100Pieces2259.585VNCTY CP AIR FILTECH
1/31/202473269099170300177600-24#&Right side visor of TSD-1000, steel material, used for meeting room conference equipment, painted 170300177600#&VNPARKER PROCESSING VIETNAM CO LTD27Pieces120.89817VNCTY PARKER PROCESSING VN
1/31/202473269099170300177700-24#&Left face shield of TSD-1000, steel material, used for meeting room conference equipment 170300177700#&VNPARKER PROCESSING VIETNAM CO LTD26Pieces116.42046VNCTY PARKER PROCESSING VN
1/31/202463071090Clean room wipes 9"*9", used in factories, 100% new #&CN5A BAC NINH COMPANY LIMITED3Bag14.76315VNCONG TY TNHH 5A BAC NINH
1/31/202485443012240607DA0B-051#&Wiring set for NISSAN SERENA ROOM LAMP cars (240607DA0B-051) with connector attached, plastic insulated, size: 2076 mm, 100% new.#&VNESMO VINA CORPORATION200Set2304VNCONG TY TNHH ESMO VINA
1/31/202484219999Bag filter 592x592x520mm (part of clean room air purifier). 100% new item#&MYAIR FILTECH JOINT STOCK COMPANY480Pieces18640.9632VNCTY CP AIR FILTECH
1/31/202463071090Clean room wipes 1009D/S (120 pieces/pack), 500g/pack, 100% brand new#&VNBRANCH OF NGOC HA TRADING AND SERVICE JOINT STOCK COMPANY IN VINH PHUC10Package38.9583VNCN CT CP TM VA DV NGOC HA TAI VP
1/31/2024630790903-layer clean room mask, made of non-woven fabric, size 210*90mm. 100% new product#&VNIMARKET VIETNAM COMPANY LIMITED800000Pieces16792VNCONG TY TNHH IMARKET VIET NAM

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Room heaters Export Data of Vietnamfrom Vn. We collect Room heaters Export Data of Vietnam to Vn with product and date. Room heaters ExportData of Vietnam from Vn helps to analyze Export price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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