Get Latest Vietnam Potassium paraben Export Data to Sg

Get latest Customs Export data of Vietnam to Sg for HS code . Discover valuable information such as Product Name, Price, Value, Unit, Quantity, Exporter Port Name, and more shipment details based on invoices, shipping bill and other documents for better market research.

1/31/202431043000Potassium Sulphate fertilizer, powder form POWDER OF SULPHATE OF POTASH (POWDER SOP), (1 Bag = 25 Kgs). New 100%. #&VNSOP PHU MY JOINT STOCK COMPANY48Ton31584SGNA
1/31/202431043000Potassium Sulphate fertilizer, powder form POWDER OF SULPHATE OF POTASH (POWDER SOP), (1 Bag = 25 Kgs). New 100%. #&VNSOP PHU MY JOINT STOCK COMPANY120Ton78600SGNA
1/31/202431043000Potassium Sulphate fertilizer, powder form POWDER OF SULPHATE OF POTASH (POWDER SOP), (1 Bag = 1,250 Kgs). New 100%. #&VNSOP PHU MY JOINT STOCK COMPANY100Ton63000SGNA
1/31/202431043000POTASSIUM SULPHATE (Price of raw materials, raw materials, cost of capsules is less than 51% of product price)#&VNSOUTH CHEMICALS IMPORT EXPORT JOITN STOCK COMPANY24Ton21504SGNA
1/25/202428399000Potassium Silicate SK40 (potassium silicate in lump form, used in the production of welding rods), Manufacturer: DUC MINH LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY. CAS code: 1312-76-1, total mineral value <51%, 100% new %#&VNTEXCHEM MATERIALS VIETNAM COMPANY LIMITED96000Kilograms81600SGNA
1/24/202434029019HD_1020JB.#&Sanitizing water (cleaning preparation)HD_1020JB.used to clean shoe soles and shoe surfaces (TP: Chemical compound Potassium Hydroxide, Sodium Tripolyphosphate, Water) (20kg/barrel)#&KXDTONG LAN RESINS TECHNOLOGY CO LTD4000Kilograms6360SGNA
1/24/202428152000Chemical compound - Potassium Hydroxide (KOH 90%).#&KRTM GROW INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION600Kilograms972SGNA
1/18/202438140000HD~1020J...#&Detergent HD~1020J... used to clean shoe soles and shoe surfaces (TP: Chemical compound Potassium Hydroxide, Sodium Tripolyphosphate, Water)(20kg/barrel), HD brand, product 100% new#&KXDTONG LAN RESINS TECHNOLOGY CO LTD140Kilograms224SGNA
1/12/202428276000POTASSIUM IODIDE (25kgs/drum, POTASSIUM IODIDE), 100% NEW#&VNGHW VIETNAM CO LTD500Kilograms27450SGNA
1/10/202431043000Potassium Sulphate fertilizer, powder form POWDER OF SULPHATE OF POTASH (WATER SOLUBLE SOP), (1 Bag = 25 Kgs). New 100%. #&VNSOP PHU MY JOINT STOCK COMPANY270Ton178200SGNA

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Potassium paraben Export Data of Vietnamfrom Sg. We collect Potassium paraben Export Data of Vietnam to Sg with product and date. Potassium paraben ExportData of Vietnam from Sg helps to analyze Export price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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